5 Best Fundraising Ideas For Elementary Schools — Raise Money For The Right Cause!

Fundraising in elementary schools might not be a fresh concept, but it is yet unheard of. They’re a great way to educate students about the world and its happenings. Elementary schools are the core of every child’s beginning, and fundraisers are great for their development.


When you bring the idea of a fundraiser ahead, the students, teachers, and parents — are excited about this opportunity.


Fundraisers promote the idea of teamwork, goal accomplishment, and cooperation. As a school, it’s not only the money you attain, but it promotes the idea of sharing is caring.


School fundraising is not even that tough since there are tons of ideas. The kids also get to learn so much from it, so why not host them?


Here are 5 great fundraising ideas that’ll help you host successful events with children at the school.

5 Great Fundraising Ideas For Elementary Schools

  • Cookie/Bakery Sales


Bakery goods are adored by almost every kid! Be it donuts, cakes, cookies, or anything else, as long as it’s sweet, it’s loved. Making them would be very much fun for the kids, and selling these on counters would also teach them about business.


You could either make these products at the school to promote learning or assign this as homework to your students so that their parents can help them.


People will love buying such foods and it will indeed be a huge success.

  • Parents & Kids Events


This idea for elementary school kids is great as it promotes quite a lot of parent-child time and helps have interactive activities at the premises. It can be a dance competition, a singing competition, a drawing & painting competition — anything that promotes their bond.


You can have an enrollment fee that is further used for a noble cause or announce prices from which a share will be donated.


The fee can also be collected on a per-family basis so that the entire family participates.

  • Carnivals & Fetes


Such events are going to be a massive hit and are going to help you achieve the target amount, in fact, a lot more than it, easily. Host games, activities, have rides, a bouncy house, and bam — one of the best school fundraising ideas is right here in front of you!


A raffle prize on selected tickets will promote its selling, and the amount achieved from playing games and going on rides can also be added up to the fundraising amount.


Arranging an outdoor area or hosting a fair at the school, either way, it works, and kids love to join them with their family.

  • Read-A-Thon


Read-a-thons get you in a win-win situation as the kids don’t particularly take part in raising funds but rather spend their time reading and learning. It is the one event to which everyone from teachers, students, and parents look forward.


You can ask the students to take someone’s pledge after every hour of reading a book, also, you can set the duration of a readathon between a few days to a few months.


The books for reading can be of the kids’ choice, and a few hours of school could be dedicated to it.

  • Car Wash


Car washes are going to be great in the case of elementary school fundraising as people would love seeing those little kids making their efforts. Bakery and coffee booths can also be added up to the event to raise extra money as cars are under washing.


With just a few buckets and sponges, you’re all set to collect a great amount of money for the good cause. The kids are going to love it too!


The only thing to take care of in case of a car wash is the weather. As long as the weather is good, some space outside the school or a partner car wash will do the job.

Cute Little Kids Activities That Help Make A Difference

These activities are not something that is going to strip their childhood, but all of them promote their holistic grooming and learning. Hosting an event with these school fundraising ideas is going to be amazing for them and will also help you teach them something new.


No school focuses on just academics, everyone has some extracurricular activities — so why not keep fundraisers an extracurricular?


Be it a read-a-thon, an event focusing on both parents and kids, or a bake day sale, in either case, the kids will get to learn a lot. The idea of them getting to know the joy of giving, to contribute to society will bring in the right values.


Try hosting these kinds of events, it’ll be amazing and you’ll be able to get good funds in a matter of a few days.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]