
5 Essential Copywriting Techniques

Learning how to sell is by far the most important skill you need to learn in order to make a living online. And that, unfortunately, is what often blocks newcomers (and even the most experienced) as in reality. And this is necessary both for businessmen and those who, for example, try to catch their luck at the best online casino to win money.

That’s why in this article you will find 5 copywriting techniques recommended for you to use. Let’s get started!

1 – Use Urgency (or Rarity)

This is one of the most effective copywriting tricks.

You can double or even triple your turnover with it alone.

Private sales sites use it a lot. It plays on an ingrained human fear: the fear of losing. This is why you should always limit your offer in time or offer it in limited quantities.

2 – Don’t Sell a Product, but a Concept and a Solution

Rather than pushing your product by shouting to anyone who wants to hear it: “Look at my new product how beautiful it is! Here’s the price… You’ll get a great deal when you buy it

(This will make you look like a carpet salesman)

Better to convince your prospects of the effectiveness of the method behind it.

Then, once this is done, present your solution as a faster, easier and/or more efficient way to implement this method. Advertorials often use this copywriting technique, but not necessarily in an ethical way. Instead of selling you a slimming pill directly on a sales page, you are told in a scientific-looking article about this new active ingredient that scientists have discovered accidentally, and which makes you lose weight as if by a miracle.

It is therefore a very powerful technique. It is up to you to use it wisely.

3 – Tease

Attention is an increasingly scarce commodity, especially online.

To sell successfully, you need to make sure your sales pitch is read or listened to all the way through. And the best way to do that is to tease. It’s one of the most effective writing secrets.

It consists of arousing your prospect’s curiosity by giving him just a piece of information and subtly encouraging him to go further to get the rest.

4 – Attract Curiosity (or Mystery)

A very powerful copywriting trick is to make your product mysterious, fascinating.

It’s so powerful that sometimes your prospects will buy your products just to find out how it works.

There are several ways to arouse curiosity, such as giving bits of information on a subject, revealing a novelty, evoking a secret…

5 – Write Catchy Titles

Hence the importance of the title.

Moreover, if your product doesn’t sell, Antoine recommends that you try a new title first.

What is the recipe for a good title?

It must be mysterious, unique, and promise a profit.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]