Hair Loss

5 Points to Keep in Mind When Choosing  Hair Loss Treatment Clinic in Melbourne

Many men and women face the problem of hair loss as they age. When the realization hits, some go into panic mode and hastily search for the best hair loss treatment in Melbourne.

While your neighborhood hair loss treatment clinics assure you of the best outcomes, it is important to gain some first-hand information about the hair loss treatment and the reputation of the clinic. This will help you choose the right clinic for your hair loss treatment.

Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre offers the most comprehensive TGA & FDA approved hair loss treatment in Melbourne that delivers optimum positive hair regrowth results. Don’t delay, contact us now to consult our experienced Cosmetic & Skin Specialist Dr Shobhna Singh, to know about the best hair loss treatment.

Here are the top things to consider when choosing a hair loss treatment clinic.

1.  Look around

You may find numerous hair loss treatment clinics in your area. Therefore, make it a point to visit the clinics and enquire about their services and the type of hair loss treatments they offer. The realization of hair loss may get you into panic mode, but panicking about the situation wouldn’t help. And you may end up making all the wrong decisions which will do you more harm.

Therefore, enquire about the scalp specialist and the clinic. It is better to gain information and know more about the credentials of the hair loss treatment clinic. This will help you choose the right clinic for hair loss treatment.

2. History & examination

When you consult a scalp specialist, he or she has to ask you about your hair loss history and family hair loss history. This helps to establish the type of hair loss problem you are suffering from. More often hair loss could be temporary or due to some illness or medication. Therefore, understanding the real cause of hair loss is important.

Knowing about the family history helps to understand whether the problem of hair loss is patterned or genetic. Such information is crucial for the consultant, as it helps them determine the reason for hair loss and suggest the right treatment.

If the consultant doesn’t ask you the right questions or they are not interested in checking the family history of hair fall history, then they will not be able to provide you with the right diagnosis and treatment. It is better to stay away from such consultants and clinics.

Dr Shobhna Singh is an experienced and highly qualified Skin and scalp specialist. First, the patient’s entire hair fall history and family history of hair loss are noted. And then she conducts a detailed scalp examination to ascertain the strength of your hair strands and determine the degree of hair loss.

Only after a thorough scalp examination and assessment, Dr Singh recommends the appropriate hair loss treatment Melbourne. Further, the treatment is performed only after informed consent is received from the patient.

3. Research

Nothing beats the benefits of good research. Do some research about the clinic and the consultant online. Ask your friends, family neighbors or people you know who’ve used the services of the clinic for their hair loss treatment.

Check on the internet. You will find various review websites and social media groups where you could find genuine reviews about the clinic and the scalp specialist. Read on the reviews and testimonials to know more about the clinic and its services.

4. Past customer references

Try to connect with their past customers. You could ask the clinic for references of past customers, or search for them on social media accounts. Browsing through social media can help you reach out to the past customers of the clinic. Discuss with them to find out more about their experience with a particular clinic and the consultant, and their satisfaction level with the hair loss treatment.

They could provide you with invaluable tips, advice and information on a  particular clinic and consultants, and help you make the right choice.

5. Ask for evidence

When you visit a hair loss treatment clinic and discuss your issue with the consultant, it is a great idea to ask for evidence of the positive results they promise during your discussion. Reputed and trusted clinics begin the discussion by showing you the evidence of positive outcomes from the treatment.

Nitai Skin & Laser Clinic showcase proper evidence of the effectiveness of hair loss treatment when discussing the treatment options. This allows the patient to see actual visuals of the positive results and opt for the hair loss treatment.

Are you searching for the best clinic for hair loss treatment in Melbourne, visit Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre today to know more.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]