Advantages of Home Renovation

5 Renovation Ideas All Sydney Homeowners Should Consider in the Current Market

Yes, your home should be the safe place you return to at the end of the day. It must work for YOU. But you also need to think of it as an investment you’ll one day leave behind for someone else to enjoy. And it could happen sooner than you think because you never know when you decide to move away. The question is whether your current setup will seem inviting to buyers.

Or perhaps you’re already thinking of selling? A few renovations will make your Sydney home more valuable to buyers. The benefit is that you can set a higher asking price. And all that’s necessary is features like proper storage and skylights Sydney buyers always put high on their priority lists.

So, here’s how you impress the modern home buyer and get the price you want.

Always Bring in More Light

You can never go wrong if you plan on adding some more natural light to your home. For you as an occupant it can mean lower utility costs, because you’ll switch on lamps less often. When a buyer walks in it will seem like a much friendlier space and they always appreciate greener living options.

For this purpose, a skylight is your best option in most cases. Thanks to innovative skylight designs almost any space can benefit from these installations. It can reflect surprising amounts of light in unique ways so light reaches even the darkest of rooms in your home.

As a bonus a skylight can help regulate humidity and air flow, creating healthier living spaces. That’s how one renovation idea can have multiple benefits for you, your family and future home sales.

Smart Home and Techy Ideas

Another renovation idea that’s a winner these days is to turn your old, traditional home into a smart home. Essentially it means you install tech components to allow you to control various home features via your smartphone:

  • Switch on air conditioning before you arrive home
  • Watch security camera footage online
  • Close a garage door from anywhere if you realise you forgot it open when leaving home
  • Set the system to automatically regulate room temperatures, resulting in less energy wastage
  • Let lights switch off when you leave a room, helping you save on utility costs

Apart from these features, also consider features that will make anyone’s stay a little easier. For example, take out the old power outlets and upgrade to include USB ports on all of them.

Tip: make sure the USB port can handle a high amp output so occupants can even charge larger appliances.

Transforming Attics and Basements

Attics and basements. You never see these areas, so why do anything with them, right? This mindset leads to many homes having dingy rooms that no one wants to enter. But you could be missing out on the perfect second lounge or a private man cave to escape life’s pressures for a little while. All you need is a proper renovation that turns these spaces into more inviting rooms.

Hint: a skylight is an ideal solution for transforming an attic into a lighter area with better ventilation.

It may take some work since you’ll probably have to replace flooring, add furniture and upgrade electricity or plumbing. But you’re basically creating an entire new room to add to your sales pitch, so it’s an investment! It makes a home more alluring to buyers, since they don’t have to go to all that trouble themselves.

Optimising the Use of Awkward Spaces

Especially when you’re renovating a room like an attic, you may have spaces of odd sizes and shapes to work with. Or perhaps there’s an area under your stairs that is so odd in design that you don’t know what to do with it?

For any of these circumstances, consider renovating it by installing permanent features. It will be difficult to find a bookcase, a bed set or furniture units to fit in there. But if you commission a handyman or carpenter to install a custom unit, it won’t look out of place and the space will immediately be more functional as well as aesthetically pleasing.

Cabinets and Shelving: Float it!

In your search for furniture for your renovated house, you may struggle to find the perfect items. Our advice: go for a floated theme.

When you have floating cabinets in a bathroom, you don’t lose all your floor space. It makes for a little more room for movement in compact spaces. And instead of sacrificing a lot of room to a bookcase, simply install a few floating bookcases. You’ll break the monotony of the wall, but the room won’t look as cramped.

Ready to Renovate?

Don’t let the real estate market get you down and stop feeling overwhelmed by changes you need to implement in your home. Renovation can be fun, and it’s worth it if you pick the right projects. Best of all, you’ll make your space even more comfortable and inviting while you’re still living there.

Have a question about your specific space? Share in the comments below and let our online community help you figure it out.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]