Types of Malware

6 Different Types of Malware, Explained

Did you know that $17,700 is lost every minute due to malware attacks? Breaches in online security do not just cost but can destroy whole companies. If you own a business, you need to know how to stay protected.

With so many types of malware, it can be hard to know where to begin. Read on for our must-know guide on the different types of malware.

Computer Virus

A computer virus has become a common term to describe any type of malware attack. However, a computer virus is a very specific type of malware. It is a piece of code that inserts itself into an application and executes when that app is running.

This means that a virus cannot function unless the app it is attached to is operating. This makes it different from other types of malware, as it needs to attach to a host just like a common virus would.


Ransomware is a type of software that uses encryption and disables the user’s ability to access their data. This lifts once a ransom gets paid.

Even when paid, there is no real guarantee that the ransomware encryption will definitely vanish. Ransomware has crippled companies and even whole cities in the past.


Worms are one of the oldest types of malware that proliferated with the boom in commercial internet during the nineties. Worms arrive through email attachments. Once opened, they self-replicate and spread throughout entire networks with ease.


As people became more aware of opening unsolicited email attachments, worms soon became replaced by trojans. They operate in a similar fashion but disguise themself as a legitimate program. Like a virus, they need to be executed by the person who has downloaded them to operate.

The most common is the use of a pop-up that explains how a computer has been infected by a virus. It offers a free antivirus scan, but this is the trojan horse itself. Once executed, the computer becomes infected with the trojan.


A malware attack from spyware is hard to spot, as it will not prevent you from using or operating your system. Instead, it runs in the background and collects information without your consent. Your passwords, pin numbers, and payment information are then sent on to fraudsters.


Adware is similar to spyware, in that it can often hide in the background without you noticing. It collects information only on browsing habits and creates a profile based on the information. This can include where a person has been, what they have purchased, and who their friends are.

This information is then sold to advertisers or shared with others. Although it does not install any software, it causes damage by eroding your privacy or that of your customers. If you have a small business, learn more about malware prevention here.

Different Types of Malware

There are more different types of malware, which evolve and become ever more sophisticated each day. Make sure you are at the cutting edge of internet security, installing the correct software, and hiring a professional team to do the work for you.

This article is one of many handy guides on our blog. Visit us for everything from technology to finance, so we can keep you informed and protected in the coming year!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]