Construction Company

7 Construction Safety Hazards – And How to Protect Your Job Site from Claims

As per a report by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, approximately 15,000 construction site accidents occur every year that lead to serious injury. Well, construction safety does not end on protecting employees only, but there are a lot of other steps to take whole conducting labour hire brisbane.

Although construction workers face deadly risks regularly and no matter if you execute some safety tips for them, the risk is always there. However, if the workers are equipped with adequate knowledge and follow some tactics, the risk can be reduced to a great extent.

Essentially, builders are responsible for protecting and securing any kind of visitor on the construction site, either it includes engineers, supervisors, purchasers, visiting families, or labourers. Nonetheless, visiting the building sites could be more susceptible in which sharp metals, broken grounds, or loose planks could be involved. Other than that, working from above or unprotected openings could be more hazardous in some cases.

Construction is a dangerous field that’s why you have to put extra effort into protecting labourers and every available person on the site. Anyhow, if you are about to execute a fast labour hire, I have brought the seven most common construction hazards to make you aware of and some tips to keep your site protected from these risks.

Seven Most Common Construction Risks and Safety Tips

During 2016-2017, construction was considered as one of the main industries that cause fatal injuries to the employees. However, the construction risks are highly dependent upon the type of construction work being carried out. Therefore, I have enlisted the seven prevalent construction hazards that can lead to some critical damage.

1.  Working from Heights

This is the most common task in a construction area. According to the Health and Safety Executive, a quarter of the total construction injuries occurred only from falling from height in the 2015-2016 report. Thus, working from height has become a more common cause of serious injuries, sometimes death.

However, to overcome this risk, suitable training should be provided to each employee who works above the ground. These workers should be trained using different tools and tactics, and educated about how to work safely on roofs, ladders, and scaffolding.

Moreover, to diminish such dangers, some protective equipment such as body harnesses should be obtained. Prevent yourself and make sure that the area has become safe before lifting for work.

2.  Moving Entities

Construction is about continuous change and movement in which the construction risks tend to increase. There are many moving objects and entities on the construction site which commonly include diggers, overhead lifting equipment, and supply vehicles. These tools always move around through uneven terrains.

Therefore, to prevent these moving risks, employees should always take some precautions such as wearing personal protective equipment, avoiding working close to moving objects, and be careful of their surroundings. In addition to this, the best way to prevent motion injuries, workers should be allowed to take frequent breaks and relax.

3.  Trenches Collapsing

These accidents usually occur during trenching when workers encounter hundreds of injuries each year. These accidents typically happen due to trenching collapsing. However, to prevent such accidents, it is essential to ensure the depth of the trenches. They should be sufficiently safe and there should be wall supports.

Construction workers should make markings before digging and make sure to maintain proper distance. Moreover, the workers should follow the requirements of OSHA which says that the excavations should not be deeper than five feet and the workers should never compromise by adopting protective systems.

4.  Electrical Hazards

According to HSE reports, approximately 1000 electrical accidents occur on construction sites every year and most of them arise from contact with underground or overhead electrical machinery and power cables. Electric hazards are one of the common causes of scaffolding and falling from height.

Therefore, to minimize these risks, make sure that your labourers use proper extension cords all time. Besides, ensure to repair or replace all damaged electric wires immediately to diminish the maximum electrical danger. While working on a live wiring site, try to apply the lockout system in which the power is shut off during the work.

5.  Noise Exposure

Construction is a pretty noisy field in which heavy machinery and equipment are involved. However, noise is another one of the common hazards on construction sites that could result in long-term hearing issues of workers, such as deafness. It could be a dangerous distraction that may distract workers from an in-hand task and could cause accidents. Thus, it is the labourer’s responsibility to bring an extended noise Machine risk assessment and provide them with appropriate necessities.

To prevent such hearing issues, the best thing that could be done is to reduce the exposure to noises on construction sites. Well, it could not be the best thing because workers always have to tackle with these heavy tools and machinery. In such situations, earplugs or noise-cancelling earmuffs could be adopted that may prevent deep ear canal damage.

6. Asbestos

Approximately, more than 5000 labourers per year due to asbestos. Asbestos is a set of six naturally occurring fibrous minerals. When materials with asbestos are damaged, these fibres are released in the air and could cause some fatal inhaling diseases, such as lung cancer, pleural thickening, or asbestosis.

If there is asbestos on the construction site, workers must be informed earlier and the location of such materials, so that they remain aware. Additionally, labourers must be trained about handling such products.


Nearly 2.3 million construction employees constantly work on scaffolding, which causes probably 50 fatalities and 4500 injuries every year. These accidents occur from the failure to be erected. According to OSHA guidelines, scaffolding must be rigid, sound, and adequate to carry its own weight. Moreover, it should be supported using only stable objects and must be incorporated with mid-rails, guard-rails, and toe-boards. Besides, scaffolding setup must be investigated by a proficient person before use and should be ten feet overhead power lines.

Bottom Line

The construction field is full of dangerous hazards but it could be handled properly by obtaining some safety tips and approaches. Many construction injuries and fatalities could be prevented by providing the worker with appropriate training. Moreover, some safety tools should always be in the approach to reduce accident risks on a construction site. Therefore, before doing Labour Hire Brisbane, you should always be aware of these hazards and tips to prevent them.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]