Boost Your Metabolism

7 Natural Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

The term metabolism refers to the chemical reaction that occurs in the human cells that converts food into energy; they maintain the condition of the cells. The energy gotten from that conversion is needed by our bodies to properly function.

While the energy needed for your body to function is determined by age, genetics, gender, and size, certain changes in your lifestyle can hasten the process.

Note that your body’s metabolism isn’t directly responsible for gaining or losing weight per se. A person with a naturally fast burn can remain in shape without exercising which isn’t the same for those with a slower metabolism. Keep reading for natural ways to boost your metabolism.

Include Proteins In Your Meal

Did you know that proteins are important in boosting your body’s metabolism? Well, they are, and it’s known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). It is known as extra calories needed for the digestion, absorption, and processing of the nutrient in food.

Protein is said to be the biggest cause of the largest rise in TEF. Your metabolic rate increased by 15–30% as opposed to 5–10% for carbs and 0–5% for fats.

Consuming more protein helps you feel like you have enough food, is full, and prevents you from eating too much. When a meal is made up of only 30% protein, a study discovered that people could only eat around 441 calories which were way less than what they normally would. According to Observer, dietary supplements such as Activatedyou Morning Complete alongside proper meals would help boost your metabolism. Eating protein would lower the drop in metabolism usually tied to losing fat.

Drink Water Instead of Cold Drinks

Drinking water rather than sugary drinks would get you to lose weight more quickly. Why? Sugary drinks usually contain calories, as such, taking water instead of them would reduce your calorie intake.

Furthermore, drinking water can boost your body’s metabolism temporarily. Certain studies have discovered that taking 1/2 liters of water increases metabolism for one hour by about 10-35%.

The calorie-burning effect is even much higher when you drink water; your body uses the energy from it to heat it up to body temperature. Drinking water also helps you lose weight when it’s taken before a meal. That would help you eat less.

Get Enough Sleep

Inadequate sleep has been shown to reduce the rate of metabolism in both the male and female gender. This is partially due to the brain’s secretion of cortisol when the body is stressed. Studies showed that sleeping and waking at different intervals during the night isn’t adequate enough compared to when you sleep for 7 straight hours or more. It’s not just enough to go to bed early, allow your body to have the rest it needs.

Carry Out Intense Exercise

Intense workouts or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has to do with the rapid and intense activity that can help you lose fat by increasing your metabolism long after the workout period.

That type of effect is greater for HIIT than other forms of exercise. There have been reports of individuals losing over 4 pounds of fat by 17% in just 12 weeks of HIIT.  Now, that’s really impressive. If you can’t handle such intense exercises, carry on with the regular exercise. It can equally help in speeding up metabolism.

Take A Cup Of Coffee

There is a connection between consumption of caffeine, reduced risk for diabetes, and increased metabolic burn. Taking coffee can be good for your health but don’t take too much of it. Several caffeine-based beverages can result in nervousness or insomnia for some people.

Sit Less and Stand More

Most people are used to sitting too much which is really bad for their health. Sitting for very long periods doesn’t help in any way and can result in weight gain.

However, standing more often at work can help you burn an extra 174 calories. People with a desk job can stand up at intervals to reduce sitting time. You can get a standing desk to help with that.

Eat Spicy Foods

Pepper is said to contain capsaicin, a substance that helps in boosting metabolism. But most people find it hard to tolerate such spices at the required dosage to have a meaningful effect.

Eating peppers can burn about 10 calories per meal. In 6 years or more, this would mean you’d have lost 1 pound in weight for an average-weight male. The effects of spices are quite minute but would produce significant results when combined with other strategies. The most effective weight loss supplements combined with it would also provide the much-needed result.

Slight changes to your current lifestyle by incorporating the ways listed above into your routine can boost your metabolism. And a high metabolism can cause you to lose and maintain weight while giving you the energy you deserve.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]