
8 Effective Ways To Boost Immunity

All of us have understood the importance of good health and wellbeing and the pandemic has made us realize the importance of strong immunity. We have come across several ways to boost immune health but it is not something you do once and forget about it. You need to follow a healthy lifestyle and make the necessary changes in your diet to build a body that can fight off illnesses. Here are a few ways you can strengthen the natural defense of your body and fight harmful organisms.

  1. Sleep well

Your immunity and sleep are very closely tied so if you do not get enough sleep, it will lead to higher chances of sickness. Those who sleep for less than 6 hours every night are more likely to catch a cold as compared to those who get more than 6 hours of sleep. When you get enough rest, it will strengthen the natural immunity and will allow the immune system to fight an illness. You should try to get more than 7 hours of undisturbed sleep every night and children need more than 8 hours of sleep regularly. Before you go to sleep, limit the screen time as the blue light emitted from the gadgets could disrupt the body’s natural cycle. You can also consider buying hepa air purifier for your room to ensure that you sleep well and feel healthy when you wake up.

  1. Opt for plant-based foods

It is advisable to consume whole plant foods that have a lot of nutrients and antioxidants in them. It will give you a strong upper hand against germs. Choose vegetables, fruits, seeds, legumes, and nuts. Such foods can help reduce the inflammation in your body and help avoid a lot of illnesses. Even the fiber in plant-based foods can feed your gut microbiome and help build healthy bacteria. It will improve immunity and keep harmful pathogens from entering the body through the digestive tract.

  1. Healthy fats

Certain types of fats are very healthy for your body and they are found in salmon and olive oil. They will help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. A small amount of inflammation is normal to injury or stress but in case of chronic inflammation, your immune system will be affected. This is why you should use olive oil as it is anti-inflammatory and can help reduce the risk of illnesses like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

  1. Eat fermented foods

The bacteria known as probiotics are very helpful for your body and when you eat fermented foods, you help the digestive tract gain more probiotics. It includes kefir, yogurt, natto, and kimchi. When you have a good network of gut bacteria, it can help the cells identify between the healthy cells and harmful organisms. If you do not like fermented foods, you can consider probiotic supplements as an alternative option.

  1. Cut down on sugar

Refined carbs, as well as added sugars, can contribute to obesity and could lead to a higher risk of falling sick. Those who have obesity are more likely to fall sick often. This is why you need to cut down on sugar intake as it can decrease inflammation and help with weight loss. It will also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart diseases.

  1. Physical activity

Make it a point to engage in moderate physical activity regularly. Prolonged exercise may suppress the immune system but moderate activity will give it a solid boost. It will help the immune cells regenerate and reduce inflammation. You can consider swimming, brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and maybe light hiking. Try to exercise for at least 2.5 hours every week.

  1. Remain hydrated

It is important to drink enough water not only to protect you from germs but for your overall health and wellbeing. Dehydration can lead to a lot of trouble in the body including affecting your physical performance, digestion, mood, and more. You must drink enough liquids daily but try to keep them free of sugar and calories. If you work outside or exercise regularly, you might need to take more fluids. Even if you do not feel thirsty, drink water at regular intervals.

  1. Handle stress level

Anxiety and stress can have an impact on your health. Long term stress may lead to inflammation and could lead to an imbalance in the immune cell function. Engage in activities that can help manage stress like journaling, meditation, exercise, and yoga.

Make these small but significant changes in your life and strengthen the immune system.  There is no guarantee that it will prevent coronavirus but it is best to take precautions and remain on the safer side. These small lifestyle changes can go a long way and will keep you healthy and strong.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]