Marketing for Your Start-up

4 Tips for Inbound Marketing for Your Start-up

The success of a business depends on the right strategy and approach that particularly suits your business. Though you can grow traffic to your website by paid advertising, it cannot outperform inbound marketing.

This marketing strategy can help you reach out to your audience organically, which means building a relationship with your audience by providing informative and evergreen content. Contrary to outbound marketing, inbound marketing encourages your audience to approach you whenever they need help.

Cutting a long story short, you can say it does not involve unwanted pop-ups and ads to draw your attention forcefully. Inbound marketing is the best way to grow your audience regardless of your business type and age.

However, if you are running a start-up, you will need an inbound marketing more than other marketing methods because of a lack of flexibility of funds. When your business is at a starting age, you will naturally like to avoid fritting away money on paid commercials.

Entrepreneurs are often confusing inbound marketing with content marketing. The latter focuses on the creation and distribution of content intending to educate users. Of course, the former also serves this goal, but it is more than that.

It also focuses on SEO, data-driven decision making, lead generation, and so on. With inbound marketing agency, you do not need to make cold calls, run advertisements, and do not need to go door-to-door to promote your product or service. Here are the best tips for inbound marketing for your start-up.

1.  Create a content strategy

You cannot start inbound marketing unless you have a well-defined content strategy. It attracts your target audience by creating valuable and tailored content according to their needs. Content strategy must involve the following factors:

  • The type of content your target audience wants to read. It can be blogs, infographics, videos, eBooks, and the like. Whatever the content format you choose for your audience, make sure that you offer them useful information.
  • The platform you will use to promote your content is Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. You can choose any one or a combination of them. You will want the platform where you can easily reach out to your target audience.
  • How much content you need to produce every day. What schedule will you follow to publish your content, and what topics to write on to target your audience?

As you know that content strategy serves the basis for all aspects of inbound marketing, you should strategically decide what your audience wants and how you can impress them.

2.  Improve your SEO efforts

Once you have brainstormed what you will produce and how you will distribute content, the next step is to ace at your SEO efforts. You will have to analyse how your site is performing, whether the content ranks in search results by using the target keyword in the query, how many people are landing your site after watching posts on social media platforms, and so forth.

SEO is a bridge to connect your audience to your site. Use Google Keyword Planner to pick the best and relevant keywords. Make your keyword research around users’ queries. Some online tools can help you analyse what your users want to hear from you and how they are framing their questions.

Users generally do not follow the straightforward way to use a keyword in the query, and hence you can be missed out. For instance, you may be targeting the keyword instant loans for unemployed, but your target audience may be searching for instant loans for students unemployed No income. Even a slight twist in the order of keywords can change the search results. Make sure that you think from users’ outlook.

3.  Look out for the web layout

A website layout is one of the most significant factors that no entrepreneurs want to talk about. As long as people are coming to your website from third-party content or social media posts, everything seems to be going all right. What if the user lands your website and ends up with a nasty taste in the mouth due to poor layout?

You can have the best inbound marketing strategy, but you will end up losing all leads if your website is not appealing enough to your users. The layout of a website should be user-friendly so that they can get the information they want to obtain.

Once you prepare the layout, take feedback from your friends and colleagues. You don’t need to take all feedback seriously, but taking a second opinion can help you look at your website objectively.

4.  Personalise your communication

When it comes to inbound marketing, you must build a strong relationship with your audience. As a good entrepreneur, your responsibility is not just promoting your products to users but also understanding their problems and solving them immediately.

Therefore, you should add a chatbot to your website so that users can have solved their queries at once. Chatbots can provide users personalised experience without involving you so that you can focus on core activities.

Inbound marketing is the best strategy for the growth of your business, whether you have a start-up or not. It is a simple approach to engage your audience. If you have a start-up, you should follow the tips mentioned above. These tips can help you grow organic traffic.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]