Advantages and Disadvantages of Using PDF Documents

PDF is a file format that is used for documents. It’s also called Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF file formats are often used when an electronic document needs to be printed and displayed on the screen. 

Compared with Word files and other formats, the PDF file format has many advantages and disadvantages. PDF stands for (Portable Document Format); this format displays your documents clearly on electronic devices. The developer of this software company is Adobe, which supports the postscript file format. PDF is one of the most commonly used files in the world, but there are both advantages and disadvantages to using this file format; here are a few you should know  


  1. High-Quality Display of Text and Graphics

The advantage of using PDF is that it preserves the document’s original formatting, ensuring consistency across displays and devices. PDF files can be edited with various free software, like Adobe Acrobat Reader or Preview on a Mac.

Display of graphics and content the same as the content you saved is one of the most desirable PDF features. If you have drawings, sketches, images, gifs, videos, or any 3D data to display, you can display them with PDF, which will never affect your image quality. Not only would the quality be present, but you can also be assured that your document’s proper alignment would remain. But if you would like to change the orientation of your PDF documents, you can use tools like Gogo PDF to rotate PDF files into different angles. 

Here’s How to Rotate Your PDF Documents With GogoPDF 

GogoPDF gives you an option to choose between 90 and 180 degrees orientation to rotate your PDF document. You can also choose to specify whether you would like to rotate a single page, more than one page, or all the pages in your PDF file. You can also add files to the PDF you have uploaded, rearrange the PDF pages as needed, rotate, and then save online.

When you’re done saving, click the save button, and all your work will be saved to a file immediately. The Gogo PDF tools work perfectly with any web browser you have, and no lengthy downloads or additional software is required. Any customer can use this tool to edit PDF files quickly as the steps are as simple as ABC. The whole process is done online, and your files are stored in the cloud. If you are sensitive about your personal information, GogoPDF IS committed to protecting the privacy of its users by deleting all uploaded files from the server after 1 hour.

  1. Easy-to-Use

Everyone can easily use PDF, read and create it with the numerous PDF tools available online. If you want to take files from one place to another, this format is the best choice to reduce the file size without sacrificing content quality. Your quotation, resume, or invoice in PDF format provides you with more advantages than when saved in other file formats. 

  1. Versatility 

PDFs are versatile and can be opened on any computer. When working in CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator, if a power outage or the system is shut down immediately, your file is most likely unsaved or damaged. However, if you open the PDF file, your downloaded content remains untouched. It is compatible with most systems today. Devices also come with an in-built PDF reader, so you don’t need to download other software for every mobile phone and software you have. 

Many files needed on the web are in PDF format and can be opened on any device because many systems can support this format. Adobe Systems has free programs available, and if the program is not pre-installed in your system, you can easily download it with just a few clicks. 

But now, the browser is even built into some browsers, making browsing faster and more convenient; Other advantages are as follows. The format is almost immune to viruses, and you can set a password to protect the file from prying eyes. Electronic printing, which helps authors preserve their rights, is available while using PDF.

  1. Small Size

PDF files are small and lightweight. It also takes less time to transfer them over the internet or email them to someone else. There is also less storage space required than storing images, even though the images and other graphical content in a PDF file are usually of higher quality. 


  1. Needs a Third-Party Tool for Editing

You cannot edit PDF files at will. It is easier to edit other formats than PDF because PDF files must be edited in a particular program. Sometimes It is also difficult to process the text in PDF files because they are treated as images. To edit your PDF files without losing your document’s quality, you’ll need tools like GogoPDF. Most programs that edit PDF files are paid; you need to convert PDF to Word and get an editable document. 

  1. Copying Texts From PDF Files Can Sometimes Be Difficult

Copying a fragment of a PDF file is usually very difficult; sometimes, it reads like an image. Most books now use this format to provide greater convenience to readers to avoid people copying the text for personal use.  Another disadvantage of using PDF file format is that you cannot change the layout of a document once it has been created in PDF format. So you need to have an idea about the layout beforehand to create it in a PDF file format properly.


PDF files are often not only smaller than an equivalent JPEG image but also offer better image quality. PDF files can also incorporate vector graphics and text formatting information from word processing programs. This means that the document will look good on any device with the PDF reader installed.

PDF (Portable Document Format) is one of the most popular ways to store files today. It has been setting standards and requirements for developers since its release in 2008. Today the famous Adobe Systems company has improved PDF to create a format that displays and transmits information perfectly on all devices (computers, smartphones, and tablets) while maintaining the same structure.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]