All You Need to Know About Orthopedic Surgery

The orthopedic field is a broad one given the many bones and joints in the human body. Over time, many different types of orthopedic surgeries have been developed to fix or improve a wide variety of skeletal issues. Orthopedic surgeons can do everything from the most basic tasks, such as placing casts on broken bones, to complex reconstruction surgeries involving cutting-edge technologies.

The human skeletal system consists of around 206 individual bones held together by ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. Orthopedic surgery can involve any one or more of these structures in the skeletal system. A specialist in orthopedic surgery in Clifton, NJ will ask a patient about their symptoms and conduct a physical examination to determine what type of orthopedic surgery is required.

Who Needs Orthopedic Surgery?

While orthopedic surgeries are generally associated with sports injuries, the truth is that people of all ages require them, under various circumstances. For example, some aging adults develop osteoarthritis that requires surgical intervention to fix bone damage.

Some diseases are known to weaken bones over time, making them liable to break without warning. These bones need to be reinforced using orthopedic surgery. Children can develop bone disorders such as rickets, which require surgery to fix the bones and prevent deformities.

Orthopedic surgeries may also be performed after a trauma or accident to repair damaged skeletal structures such as broken bones, torn ligaments, and so on.

What Procedures Do Orthopedic Surgeries Involve?

Orthopedic surgeries vary in their complexity. Some examples of these include:

  • Bone Grafting- a surgery that involves repairing damaged bones using either synthetic or natural bone material.
  • Arthroscopic Surgery- a surgery carried out to repair damaged joints and uses a tiny video camera called an arthroscope to provide images of the internal structure of the joint.
  • Limb Lengthening- a type of surgery that is used to lengthen bones that have shortened due to a fracture or disease.
  • Bone Reconstruction- a surgery that involves cutting bone fragments and applying metal plates or rods to hold them in place while they heal. As parts of your bones are gradually reabsorbed by the body as you age, surgeons may need to use corrective surgeries to restore the shape of bones. 

Benefits of Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgeries can completely restore mobility and strength to patients, which dramatically impacts their quality of life. People who have suffered from injuries that left them immobile for years finally get the chance to walk, stand, and do everything they could not do for so long.

In some cases, orthopedic surgeries allow people to return to their jobs and careers, a substantial economic benefit. They can also live everyday lives without pain so they do not rely on solid medications every day.

In summary, orthopedic surgeries focus on treating conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. You may need orthopedic surgery if you have a sports injury or a condition that affects the bones, making them weak. Common examples of orthopedic surgeries include limb lengthening, arthroscopic surgeries, and bone reconstruction. Orthopedic surgery can help restore mobility and allow you to resume regular activity, without any restrictions.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]