Building Your Gaming Chat: A Stepwise Guide

Over the past year, there has been a boom in gaming. As more of us are restricted indoors, we often find our social connections virtually.

In this scenario, in-game chat offers companies a great way to encourage players to mingle with each other. With the absence of an in-game chat app, players often leave the game to use an external chat app such as Discord and Slack, which will dilute your brand’s presence in players’ minds.

Why Should You Have an In-Game Chat App?

There are many advantages to having in-game chat apps, with the most prominent being that you get to retain your users in your gaming space. With the presence of in-game chats for your game, you get to create a nurturing space that ensures better coordination between your players. All these benefits are vital – not just in retaining your current players but also in attracting new players to your brand.

In-game chat also ensures an uninterrupted flow in your players’ usage. You also get to ensure that you provide customer satisfaction – an in-game chat app will help your brand understand what your players like and dislike. Moreover, your game gets to disassociate itself from any negative effects from any downtime or controversies that may stem from using an external chat app.

Put simply, in-game chat is the future of the gaming industry. However, you do not have to reinvent the wheel to take your game to the next level.

How Can You Build Your in-Game Chat?

Building an in-game may seem intimidating when you first start out. But with robust chat APIs and in-app messaging SDKs, you can enrich your game with the social interactions that your players deserve.

However, before you start this venture, you will need a clear picture of what you want your game’s in-game chat app to be like. This includes taking into account your growth strategy, the forms of communication you want to include – and, crucially, your moderation plan.

Here is a checklist you can follow when you chart out how you want your in-game chat app to be. With a clear picture of everything you need to consider, you can actualize it with a reliable API provider.

1. Line up the Benefits of in-Game Chat With Your Growth Strategy

As we have already gone through, in-game chat offers a wide array of advantages for your players, primarily the seamless use of your game without seeking out another platform to interact with other players. This will directly lead to growth in revenue and brand value, but you can also add to your players’ experience in other ways.

By being involved with your players’ in-game chat, you are also privy to first hand feedback. You can understand what works, what doesn’t, and what needs a little adjustment. In-game chat offers players the ability to have real-time support, enhancing the user’s experience.

2. Choose a Mode of Communication

Text-based chat is the primary mode of communication in a chat app. However, within the gaming industry, it is always advantageous to have a voice and/or video chat as well. With these modes, the players are free to continue gaming as they continue interacting, providing a more immersive gaming experience.

You can use voice and video APIs for web and mobile apps that ensure your developers will not have to build the features from scratch. 

3. Ensuring a Safe Environment Within Your in-Game Chat App

Ensuring the safety of your players is an important requirement when it comes to building your brand value, and this is no different when you set out to add an in-game chat app. You do not want the negative aspects of opening up social interaction to bring down the usability of your game.

Look for automated and manual moderation tools to help you filter spam and profanity in your in-game chat app, as well as language and image management. You will be able to control and monitor messages between your players, making it easy to ban or block players that violate your guidelines.


In the age of fast-paced game development and a thriving gaming industry, the presence of a gaming chat app will not only help you stand out among your competitors but will help elevate the integrity of your brand.

Advanced chat APIs and SDKs will streamline your process to include a chat app within your game, leaving you free to focus on building your gaming community.

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About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]