Class 7 English: Expert Tips to Help Your Ace the Exam!

English as a subject is not just about stories and poems. It’s a language in itself and having command of this beautiful language, that is written and spoken worldwide, is an obligatory thing to do to survive in today’s world. Class 7 English consists of varied fascinating stories as well as poems, that along with maintaining the children’s curiosity, also provide a deep sense of intellect. English is a principal subject for a student to score well in, therefore, all measures should be taken to maintain an outstanding score. Here are a few tips and measures that you can implement in your daily routine that will help you ace your exam –

  1. Scan the syllabus: The first and foremost thing to do is recognize and relate with what is given in your syllabus. Before you start your preparations, you need to differentiate which part of the given syllabus requires more time and effort. This can only be done when you’re aware of the entire syllabus. While scanning the syllabus, do not forget the grammar portion of the subject. Most students choose to overlook this section, but if you wish to prepare well and ace the exam, you should give equal importance to all sections.
  2. Make a study schedule: Making and maintaining a study schedule can do wonders for you. First of all, it provides you with clarity. It helps you analyze the amount of time you require to cover the syllabus. You also get an idea about how much time can be devoted to revision. A study schedule helps you allot different days for taking up tests. It will give you a sense of security that you can cover the syllabus without rushing with any section and providing ample time to the required sections.
  3. Know the stories and their characters: Half of the literature section consists of short stories. These stories are absorbing in nature. Although, it depends on your interest as well. Read the chapters thoroughly and make notes on the sidelines of the textbook to highlight and remember the important parts of the texts during revision. These stories may revolve around different characters. You must remember the names and characteristics of these characters distinctly. Confusing the names and characters can affect your score.
  4. Do not overlook the poems: Sometimes, students tend to take studying poems lightly. In reality, poems are much more than verses. Each line of the poem either holds a deep meaning by itself or it leads to other lines that convey something concealed. It is recommended that you read varied summaries for the provided text and go through as many questions as possible. Write down the intended meaning alongside the lines to make it easier for yourself for revision. Various sources on the internet can provide you with a proper explanation of the poems.
  5. Vocabulary: Vocabulary plays a vital role when it comes to English. You should hold a diverse and enhanced vocabulary. This will help you write impressive answers. There are different ways to build your vocabulary. You need to understand that a confined knowledge will only restrain you from getting a better understanding of words. Allow yourself to explore new realms. You don’t necessarily need to read about the same topics. You can explore your interests as well. Read short stories, books written by other authors, or novels. Read news related to topics that you may find interesting. Allot a definite amount of time every day reading something new. While you do so, make sure you’re not just reading. Try and understand the concept, the morals, and the ideas of the text. Alongside, maintain a different notebook to write unknown or new words that you may come across while reading the texts. Thereafter, look for their meaning and jot it down beside the word.
  6. Literary Devices: Literary devices are yet another chief characteristic of English. There are different literary devices such as metaphors, similes, symbolism, and imagery used to enhance the writing style of the provided text. Recognizing them needs an in-depth knowledge of the devices. If these are not covered as a part of your syllabus, it would be interesting to read about. You can utilize your free time to learn something new and cover a few basics. While you read the summaries provided for the poems, they may be mentioned in the explanation of the answers. You can use these to make your answer more effective.

Read more: how many letters are in the alphabet.

  1. Name the Poets and Authors: Mentioning the name of the poets and authors before starting the explanation to your answers indicates that you have thorough knowledge about the text that has been asked. If the name of the author or the poet is not asked specifically, you can still mention it to give a formal and intellectual start to your answer.
  2. Revise the Entire Syllabus: It is important not only to complete the syllabus but also to revise everything you’ve studied in detail. The revision helps you ensure that you’ve not left out anything from the syllabus and also that what you’ve studied previously covered is clear to you.

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  1. Previous year’s Question Papers: The last thing that may help you do much better on the day of examination is practicing the previous year’s question papers and sample tests. These provide you with an idea of the pattern of the paper and also boost your confidence.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]