Cloud Based Applications

Cloud Based Applications Examples You Should Know About

Imagine having to store all your essential data in a USB drive, then losing it. That is very tragic; especially you have put a lot of work into your data. Fortunately, cloud technology has helped increase affordability and storage capabilities.

Cisco estimates that the cloud will host more than 94% of workloads in 2021. Cloud computing is also gaining traction in eCommerce with the benefits of:

  • Scalability
  • Increased productivity
  • Affordability

Continue reading to learn more about cloud-based applications examples.

What Is Cloud-Based Application?

A cloud application is an internet-based software where the processing and storing occurs on the cloud. Although the application’s front end may operate as an app or web browser, the data storage component is always available online.

Cloud-Based Applications Examples

Here are the different types of cloud-based applications:

SaaS-An example would be Google Doc

These applications operate on third-party hardware, and their software is remotely hosted. Since users will not have to purchase hardware for each software update, it lowers the costs.

IaaS-An example would be Amazon Web Service

This cloud-based software requires client-side middleware and application support. The IaaS provider offers a sophisticated infrastructure and additional support. However, the client is responsible for connecting the application and its operating system.

IaaS allows users to create products without redesigning their basic components from the start.

PaaS or Platform-An example is Google App Engine

This kind of cloud-based application allows customers to access their hardware through a ready-made solution. The software is continuously updated, ensuring that developers are using the most recent version. Users can scale or redesign their programs due to the PaaS flexibility.

What Are the Benefits of Cloud-Based Applications?

The advantages of cloud-based apps include the following:


Over 47% of companies cited cost reduction as the primary reason for cloud migration. Cloud apps have cheaper infrastructure and IT expenses. This eliminates the developer’s requirement to invest in servers and related equipment.

This case study also shows the cost-effective results of cloud-based technology.


It’s simpler to scale a cloud service up or down in response to user demand. This is mainly because it’s unrelated to on-premises physical resources. You can also avoid investing in resources that you will not use.

Increased Dependability

Having access to cloud resources for your application enables you to access more power and bandwidth. This results in increased dependability and uptime.

Tools for Developing Cloud-Based Applications

When developing a cloud-based service, the technical stack is a critical component. The incorrect technological strategy may hinder your business’s growth. Here are some tools to consider:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

This was the industry leader in 2019, with a 32 percent market share. It provides over 140 services and is highly versatile and integrative. It allows you to create virtually any bespoke application with their assistance.

Google Cloud Platform

AWS’s closest rival is a PaaS that combines:

  • Cloud Computing
  • Storage
  • API Services
  • Sophisticated Analytics
  • A NoSQL Database Service

Additionally, Google’s PaaS is adaptable and inexpensive for companies.

Microsoft Azure

Its solutions are primarily targeted at businesses with robust scaling plans and a diverse portfolio. ML modules, database services, a mobile back-end, and virtual computers are all examples of service components.

Architecture for Cloud-Based Applications

Cloud application development requires a firm grasp of data architecture. Here are some to consider:


The primary distinction between traditional web development and cloud application design is the API. You must consider how to get the most out of cloud services by connecting them. These services should also be able to communicate with one another.

Data Organization

The application design should provide instructions on how to disconnect the data from the cloud servers. As a consequence of the separation, you may store them on a public or private cloud. This increases your business’s flexibility and allows you to improve your website’s performance.

Communication Logic for Your App’s Data and Services

Most of your app’s components should interact quickly. If this process is not well-designed, the user experience may suffer. The usual problem would be a slow loading time.

Begin by streamlining communication chains with a single-channel streaming or system message grouping.

Scaling Opportunities

Consider future traffic expansions and ensure that your operating channels have a safety buffer. Create an operational model that will assist back-end components in the event of an emergency.

Security Algorithms

Specific industries, such as banking, healthcare, or retail, have their own set of criteria. Examine them and consider the possible weaknesses of your cloud-based solutions.

The goal is to develop strong encryption and adopt a cloud identity and access management strategy. This will ensure the security and cost-effectiveness of your product.

The Difficulties of Developing Cloud-Based Applications

Here, we’ll highlight some challenges associated with cloud-based application development:


This means your software should be able to operate on various devices. It should also be able to interact with other cloud services. If your cloud system is not interoperable, you cannot combine components from multiple providers.


The more data centers you have, the more performant your application will be. Global providers position their servers strategically. That way, consumers may experience fast loading speed regardless of location.


Client-side security and data storage protection is challenging for developers. Cloud applications may contain many API connections and must also be very user-friendly. Components like:

  • Strong data encryption
  • SSL
  • Reverse proxy

All contribute to the security level of your cloud-based application.


You must ensure that the service you’ve selected supports scalability. If not, it will collapse under unexpected traffic spikes. That means you cannot service a large audience consistently. Your company will lose potential revenues.

Learning More Information About Cloud Technology

The creation of cloud-based applications is a hot subject. With the advancement of technology, businesses are constantly using cloud solutions to grow and scale. The cloud method provides many significant advantages to businesses, including:

  • Reduced development costs
  • Increased accessibility of the finished product
  • A new degree of uniformity and scalability

The cloud-based applications examples above are commonly used. These examples have excellent cloud-based storage systems, software, cloud-based services, and applications. If you are interested in learning more, check out our blog for more information.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]