Degree Abroad

Getting Your Degree Abroad: What You Need to Know

Trying to figure out how to prepare for a degree program abroad might be daunting. Now that you’ve decided to pursue an international education, congratulations! —it’s critical to get your checklist together and get organized before moving across the globe. Your mind is racing with tips on how to properly prepare for a transfer overseas.

Making a list of things to do before studying abroad for the duration of your degree will make everything go more smoothly. You’ll be lazing on your new campus, sipping espresso and making new acquaintances before you know it. You’ll also pick up a new language, immerse yourself in a new culture, and get unique life experiences in a global context.

Here’s everything you need to know about studying abroad for your whole degree—whether it’s a bachelor’s, master’s, or postdoctoral degree.

  1. Collect all of your vital paperworkPassport. This is the most important item on your to-do list before studying abroad for the duration of your degree. It’s time to obtain those snazzy mugshots that you’ll remember for the next 10 years. It’s best to receive your passport as soon as possible, as it can take anywhere from six to eight weeks. Your visa will most likely be sponsored by your university. However, if you have any questions about the visa process, please contact your counselor.

    Documents from the school. There are a variety of documents you may want to bring with you—or at the very least have saved in an electronic file that you can access readily. A copy of your high fake college diploma credit transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a resume are all vital documents to keep. Even if you have your admission letter, it is a good idea to have copies of these forms.

    Forms related to health. If you have any health difficulties, prescriptions, or medical records, keep them in a safe place. It’s a good idea to have documentation and a list of emergency contact information with you when you’re traveling.

  2. Check Health Insurance StatusAnother vital thing to do before studying abroad for the duration of your degree is to schedule any last-minute dental, vision, or health checkups. It’s best to be your healthiest, shiniest self before taking off. If you’re intending to return home for the summer or winter holidays, make sure to book additional appointments ahead of time.

    Before going abroad to complete your degree, you’ll almost certainly need to acquire certain jabs and/or vaccines. Prior to your arrival at your new school, the school administration should have a checklist of what has to be completed. Check to see if your university offers health insurance, as many do. Otherwise, you’ll need a contingency plan for obtaining insurance while traveling.

  3. Speak with Your BankMake sure your bank is aware of where and when you will be studying abroad. They must maintain track of where your credit or debit cards are used in order to prevent your account from being locked or hacked. You can also check to see if your bank offers mileage credit cards so you can stock up on cheap flights. Only do this if you are committed to paying off your credit card on time and if the airlines you travel with are transferable. Consult your parents to see if this is a suitable idea for you.

    Consider opening a bank account in another country. Given that you intend to complete your degree over a period of several years, it may be prudent for you to create an offshore account. Consult your present bank and university to determine the best course of action.

  4. Get Your Finances in CheckYou’ve probably thought about how you’ll pay for your international degree. Hopefully, your scholarship, grant, international student loans, and birthday money are all in order. However, as I’m sure your parents will tell you, living overseas will necessitate a budget plan. It’ll be fun to live somewhere completely different, and it’ll be simple to toss around the colorful “monopoly” money as if it’s all a game. However, get down with your parents and devise a strategy for how you will spend your “fun money” while overseas. Keep in mind that ATM fees and bank transfer fees are common, and the currency will fluctuate in value over the course of four years abroad.
  5. Brush up on Your LanguageThis is your opportunity to learn a completely new language. You will be surrounded by other foreign students from all over the world, even if you are traveling to an English-speaking country. Take advantage of the opportunity to study a new language during your education. Being bilingual (or multilingual) will make you considerably more marketable in the future.

Be ready to change on top of it all. You will learn more in this time than you have in any other. And it’ll make you a far more globally aware individual with a fresh outlook on life—something that’s worth twisting the tassel for!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]