Got Hurt in a Motorcycle Crash

Got Hurt in a Motorcycle Crash? Know Your Legal Rights

Motorcyclists are often forgotten when it comes to road safety. We hear so much about the dangers of drunk driving, texting while driving, or speeding on the highway – but not so much about how to protect yourself when riding a motorcycle. Read on for some valuable information on your legal rights after suffering an injury in a motorcycle crash!

Have An Attorney Just In Case

In the unfortunate event that you are hurt in a motorcycle crash in Georgia, you must have an motorcycle accident attorney in Georgia. You see, since motorcyclists are not surrounded by a car frame and doors to offer some protection from other cars on the road, they can be seriously injured or killed when struck by another vehicle. If you were in an accident in Miami, you would need a motorcycle accident lawyer in Florida because of the state laws that might apply. Even if the driver of the other car is at-fault for the accident, that driver’s insurance company will not be required to pay out any damages unless you have an attorney on your side. Since motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries, it is advisable to retain the services of an experienced lawyer specializing in personal injuries even if there is no way of proving negligence.

When Is A Motorcyclist Guilty?

Motorcyclists are required to ride as close to the right-hand side of the road as possible and obey all traffic rules, including following signs and signals. As with car drivers, a motorcyclist is guilty when failing to stop for a school bus displaying warning signs and lights (regardless of whether it has stopped). A motorcyclist is also usually at fault when the accident was caused by one of the following:

  • Passing or overtaking another vehicle at an unsafe time
  • Unreasonably obstructing traffic
  • Failing to keep a proper lookout
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road, failing to pass to the right of another vehicle, or driving where there is no room to pass to the right
  • Cutting in too soon after passing another vehicle, including an overtaking vehicle that suddenly slows or stops
  • Failing to slow down when necessary to avoid danger

The Legal Rights Of Motorcyclists

When a motorcyclist is injured in an accident, they may be entitled to compensation for a variety of damages including lost wages and medical costs. In addition, if the other driver was at-fault for causing the crash, you could receive compensation for pain and suffering. Legal rights also include obtaining legal representation to help you file a lawsuit. While the amount of compensation you are entitled to will vary depending on the nature of your injuries, when it comes to motorcycle accidents, high-speed collisions can often result in devastating injuries or even death.

Possible Compensation For Motorcyclists

When seeking compensation, you must retain records for all of your medical treatment. This includes doctor’s bills, hospital expenses, ambulance fees, rehabilitation costs, prescriptions, and any other related expenses. While your employer may not be required to compensate you for time missed from work following the accident, you are entitled to seek compensation for any loss of future earnings. In addition, you may be able to seek compensation if your physical condition prevents you from doing the things you used to love including walking, working out at the gym, playing sports or games with your children, and other activities.

What To Do After A Motorcycle Accident

If there was a crash involving you and another vehicle, the police should be notified. They will issue an accident report that can be used as evidence if you decide to file a personal injury claim. For your protection, you should not admit any fault for causing the accident or say anything about how much you were injured unless asked by other parties involved or law enforcement officers. You should also request the other driver’s information including their name, address, telephone number, driver’s license number, vehicle description, and registration number, insurance company name, and policy limits. You are also entitled to ask for the name, address, and telephone numbers of anyone who witnessed the accident including other drivers or passengers in their vehicle if applicable. Also, when it comes to your safety, you should try to communicate with the other driver or their insurance company to determine what exactly happened. When filing a personal injury claim, you need to retain an experienced lawyer who can guide you through all of the legal procedures and help establish who was at fault.

If you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident, whether you were at fault for causing the crash or the other driver was, it is important to contact an experienced personal injury attorney. Knowing your legal rights can make a big difference when seeking compensation for medical expenses and suffering.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]