How do you train a dog not to bite?

Dogs are cute and a great addition to the family. Aside from the positive aspects, it is well known that puppies bite, and their sharp, tiny teeth hurt! Many dog ​​owners wonder why my puppy bites me and how to train the dog not to bite.

This is mostly within the instincts of puppies like Mini labradoodle Labra doedel, especially for shepherd dogs (such as Nether lands Shepherds, Border Calls, etc.) that are genetically linked to grazing and biting other animals. Retrievers and Labradors also suffer from genetic dog bites because they like to use their mouths to identify and know everything. These breeds are known to chew on everything around them, including the hands and feet of their owners!

In addition to their natural instincts, dogs bite because:

They go through a 3-4 month dental phase and biting is a way for them to get rid of the pain.

Dogs use their mouths to learn about the world around them.

They learn to play and bite with their other Franse bulldog siblings and sometimes with their dog’s parents.

Puppies learn that they can bite each other without harm. Human skin is more sensitive than dogs so it is important to teach them the difference.

Adult dogs often use their mouths to grip their offspring by rubbing (the loose part of the skin under the dog’s neck).

Don’t be afraid, dog bites are very common. If you catch this habit quickly and train your dog regularly, it will be much easier for you to stop this behavior and end it with a loving partner.

How to train a dog not to bite?

There are several ways to train a dog not to bite. All dogs are different and some of them respond better in some ways than others. The ultimate goal is to prevent your dog from biting completely, but you need to take important steps to get to that point.

To train your dog not to bite easily, follow these steps:

Start by teaching your dog to use a soft mouth or bite instead of a hard mouth or bite. (This is an important step in teaching your dog to know that he can play with you but not bite hard.)

When your dog is biting your hand, let it gently mute. As soon as the dog starts biting hard, you will have to scream or cry in response that it is very difficult to bite. If your dog stops responding to your cries, praise them and/or invite them. Repeat this step until your dog knows he can bite gently or bite.

If screaming or crying doesn’t work, you can alternately ignore them for 20-25 seconds in response to a sharp bite.

If just ignoring them doesn’t work, you can resort to more physical time in a safe room, in their kennel, or behind a dog’s door.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]