Truck Drivers Get Into Hit-and-Run Accidents

How Often Do Truck Drivers Get Into Hit-and-Run Accidents

Driving on the road always has its dangers, and getting involved in an accident can be a traumatic experience even if you don’t suffer major injuries or property damages. However, in some cases, the odds get dangerously higher for serious or fatal injuries when commercial trucks are involved. While every driver is legally obliged to follow basic requirements for traffic accidents, some drivers leave the scene after getting involved in a collision. Therefore, we would like to share some insight into how often truck drivers get into hit-and-run accidents and how you and your loved ones can face this situation.

The Legality Surrounding Hit-and-Run Accidents

Commercial vehicles are used for transporting goods or passengers, and their liability is partially tied to the company owning the vehicle. Let’s assume a hired driver gets involved in an accident while working. In that case, the victims can sue the employer for any damages caused by the incident. Therefore, trucking companies have strict protocols to ensure their drivers follow the law of the letter.

Even with these protocols in place, accidents can take place. Some of the reasons why a commercial truck driver would get involved in an accident may include unbalanced truck cargo, defective vehicle parts, or infringement of their maximum hours of service or scheduling. While it’s likely that the truck driver will be insured by their company, they’re still held responsible for their actions. Not all of these reasons are directly attributable to the driver’s negligence. However, running from the scene without aiding the victims can make them face serious consequences from a legal standpoint and the employer’s perspective.

How to Act After a Hit-and-Run Accident

Taking action after a road accident is a matter of keeping your head clear and focused on acting fast. If you’re unable to get a photo of the driver or vehicle, try to get a mental note of these details to provide them to the police once they arrive at the scene. Notify emergency services of the accident and whether any injured victims require urgent medical attention.

The sooner you contact the police, the better the chances of finding the fleeing driver. Remember that commercial trucks have numbers and logos to identify their companies, which can become crucial information to identify the fleeing driver. If there are witnesses, get their contact information and ask them if they have any photos or videos of the incident.

Even if the accident scene isn’t intact, the accident report can be a vital source of information to reconstruct the incident. Just to give an example, the case of a woman killed in a hit and run relied exclusively on forensic evidence to prove that the truck driver’s negligence was the main cause of the victim’s death. Gathering as much information as possible right after the accident can make a significant difference in identifying the running truck driver and filing a personal injury lawsuit if you decide to do so.

Potential Compensations for Hit-and-Run Victims

When dealing with the aftermath of a hit-and-run accident, the legal processes may seem overwhelming to the civilians involved. In fatal accidents, the victim’s loved one can sue the guilty party for wrongful death damages. The specific charges for the guilty party can vary depending on the severity of the incident. For instance, if the accident causes injuries or deaths and the driver runs away from the scene, they would be facing harsher punishment when compared to less-lethal outcomes.

Note that the truck driver can also be sanctioned for running away from the scene at a federal level. After a conviction, they’re barred by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) from operating a commercial vehicle for one year, which increases to three if they were transporting hazardous materials. Their license gets revoked forever if they receive more than one conviction since they are deemed a hazard to public safety. That way, they’re banned from driving professionally and risking other people’s lives.

With varying laws specifying the subject, all states demand drivers to assist victims of a road accident. Failing to do so carries legal consequences, leading the runner to criminal and civil charges. From an ethical perspective, helping another person when you’re responsible for the accident should be ingrained in every driver’s mind. However, drivers who run from the scene are mostly driven by fear and avoid consequences stemming from their actions.

Of course, this doesn’t negate the victim’s right to seek compensation for the damages that, in most cases, can seriously affect their quality of life permanently. On the contrary, the affected parties deserve to be fully compensated for the wrongdoings of a person who put their lives at risk and, in some cases, had fatal consequences.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]