Social Media Is The New TV

How to find friends and colleagues on Social media

Anyone looking for friends or colleagues on social media can find them by following a few simple tips. This post will outline some of the best ways to connect with others online, based on the social media platform you are using. By using these methods, you are sure to make connections that can help further your career or simply help you connect with like-minded people.

Searching on LinkedIn

Facebook is all about connecting with others, so it’s no surprise that most people use this platform to reconnect with old friends. A quick search of an individual or company name can introduce you to plenty of new connections. If you are looking for more targeted results or to find colleagues online, consider creating a similar search on LinkedIn. Here are the steps:

1) Go to LinkedIn and type your first name along with the industry or job function in which you are interested (e.g., “Bill Smith executive assistant”).

2) Check the boxes next to the people who meet your preferred criteria, then click “Get introduced.” 3) Click “Send inquiry” on your offers of introduction, then follow up via email if necessary. Repeat these steps until you have connected with everyone you are interested in.

Get connected on Twitter

Twitter is not just for celebrities. Many people use this platform to follow the work of their colleagues, share ideas and build relationships. You can also get connected through a mutual connection or by using your public profile.

1) Find out if you have any mutual connections by clicking on another user’s name, which will open up their full bio page (see below). If they list their other social media accounts, click on them to find more people in common. However, if all the other profiles listed are private (like this one), it means that person has set their account to be viewed only by friends-of-friends.

2)You can quickly find potential new connections by using keywords and hashtags to search for relevant tweets. For example, if you want to connect with people working in the electrical industry, conduct a Twitter search for #electrical or #electricityindustry.

3) Some users choose not to display their views about social media on their profiles, so it’s always worth asking around before you approach them directly. You can do this by messaging your initial contact through Twitter (see below), or ask one of your mutual connections to make an introduction.

Communicate with Facebook friends

Facebook is full of interesting groups that share ideas and opportunities around niche interests. It’s also designed to let you stay connected with old classmates and colleagues who live far away. If you are looking for an introduction to someone you know on Facebook, consider reaching out through your mutual connection.

1) Post a message in the group asking if anyone is willing to make an introduction (see below). If it’s a closed group, you may need to send your inquiry via direct message instead.

2) Some groups have administrators who post updates and run contests that can help grow your network, so consider following these people when looking for new connections. However, keep in mind that some groups frown upon members who add everyone they find back into their personal networks without permission.

3) A popular Facebook group can be a great way to find new contacts, especially if you are looking for people who share common interests. However, make sure the groups you join are relevant to your industry or niche interest. For example, more than 60 million people are in the “Cooking” group on Facebook, but only 2 million work in the food industry.

Meeting New People

There are many ways to find friends and colleagues on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can follow your interests by joining popular groups, creating targeted searches or making an introduction through mutual connections. All you have to do is take the time to reach out and it’s likely you’ll find some new friends.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]