Mental Health

How to Find Mental Health Assistance as a Teen

A greater spotlight is being placed on mental health, as we work to break the stigma around what brings about our behaviors and address our feelings. For teens and adolescents, finding that openness is incredibly difficult. It’s important for teens to understand there are resources available to make them feel seen and heard during what may seem like the loneliest time in their lives.

Trouble Focusing

For teens having trouble paying attention in the classroom, the impact on their grades could lead to even more negative thinking. This lack of focus is among the classic ADD symptoms in teens. ADD, or attention deficit disorder, is commonly associated with certain spaciness and inattentive presentation. Under the umbrella of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, teens have found success in psychotherapy through learning skills to decrease impulsivity and manage their emotions. Some experts believe this therapy option needs to expand into medication like Ritalin to help regulate a child’s behavior.


Teenage years can be highlighted by feelings of inattentiveness and impulse. Hyperactivity symptoms can make a teenager feel like they are jumping around internally with an inability to control certain behaviors. Psychotherapy, as recommended by a pediatrician, can lead to a behavior intervention to find the best way to deal with this hyperactivity-impulsive actions. Oftentimes, experts will recommend a certain activity or hobby to deal with these feelings. It could be taking part in a team sport, learning a musical important, or even VBS to connect with spirituality. This type of intervention avoids the need for certain prescription medications and actually creates a better sense of focus.

Negative Attitudes

Appearances and how adolescents interact with one another can lead to negative feelings about weight, looks, and accessories for enhancing your look. These thoughts have led teens to engage in risky behavior, relying on alcohol and drug abuse. In social settings, there becomes this feelings of needing to fit in. Something as simple as having to wear eyeglasses should not lead to such a negative thought process. It’s important to address these feelings of inadequacy with a licensed therapist, who can point to a better way to reflect. Everyone has their unique qualities, and there’s truly a friend group for everyone. This can be discovered through different clubs and hobbies, providing more encouragement with that base cheering you on.


Teens may find themselves going through mood swings and not understanding what’s triggering these emotions. However, if that low feeling dwells for a long period of time, it’s symptomatic of depression. Inattention, emotional distance, and a loss of desire to take part in normal activities of daily life can all be signs of this mood disorder. A clinical psychologist will help to properly diagnose depression, and they may recommend certain medications as treatment options in conjunction with regular therapy sessions. These medications may come with significant side effects, depending on the dosage. Be sure to consult with the teen’s primary care provider when taking this approach.


If a teen is experiencing suicidal thoughts, it’s important to know that there is someone ready to listen at all hours. In the United States, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline fields calls daily from people of all ages dealing with these dark thoughts. 1-800-273-8255 is a toll-free line for anyone battling emotional distress. Discussing these feelings can help make a big difference, especially in conjunction with regular therapy sessions. This will help to determine the emotional triggers that set off these feelings in a teenager. This time of impulsive behavior is sometimes curbed with dangerous habits, like smoking, drinking, or drug use. It’s important to recognize these difficulties and address them, regardless of how minimally they occur.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]