Medication for Seniors

How to Manage Medication for Seniors? 5 Safety Tips!

As the term says Medication Management is the process of analyzing the medications prescribed to the person and the outcome as well. This kind of service is generally provided by most online pharmacists such as Medadvisor App. Nowadays many age-old people stay alone at home and do not have anyone to look after them or their medications. Medications have become part of our routine and so the senior citizens. Moreover, you would see a higher number of medications with these people due to their health condition. According to the research done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are about 350000 people who get hospitalized every year due to the adverse effects of the drugs. Considering this medication management has become important nowadays. Today we will be talking about a few of the tips which would be helpful for you to manage effective medication management for seniors.

Ask questions about medication labels

If the patient is starting with new drug consumption, then make sure to ask multiple questions to your doctor about the dosages and the frequency, whether one needs to take it before a meal or after a meal. You would need to get the answers to all these questions. Apart from this also keep a habit of reading the label on the medications as it would have the required information as well. You can read these labels for over-the-counter medications as well as for prescribed drugs. If you have any more questions regarding the medication then you can speak to the pharmacist or doctors directly.

Understand the side effects

Every medicine could have a possible side effect along with the benefits. Hence it is advised to ask the doctor or pharmacist about the possible side effects of the medications. Here you can also check with the patient if they experience any adverse effect or any difference in their health condition after consuming that medicine. The side effects of the medicines could vary as some of the patients would face issues with sleeping patterns, hunger, balancing issues or changes in weight. If your patient is suffering any of such issues then you can consult with your doctor immediately.

Review the medications with a doctor

You can make a list of all the medicines your loved ones are taking along with their dosages. Here you would also need to mention the other over the counter medicines as well such as vitamins, herbal supplements etc. If your loved ones are seeing multiple doctors or pharmacists then it is important to write down each medicine and its dosages. You can get a prior appointment and check this list with your primary doctor. Your primary doctor would have more information regarding the medications and medical history of your patient. They will guide you about the possible side effects of all the medications as well.

Medication Compliance Monitor

Medications only get effective if one takes them regularly and as per the directions given by the doctor. If your loved ones have memory issues and they find it hard to remember the schedule for taking the medications then providing them with the reminder system. Patients with some severe conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia need medications to be monitored and managed carefully. Incorrect doses of medicines can lead to some serious side effects. There are various apps that you can download on their phone that would help them to take the medicines on time.

Minimize the number of pharmacist and doctors

Most of us have a habit of consulting different doctors and pharmacists. But make sure for your loves you consult with one primary doctor who would be aware of all the medical history and the medications. You can develop good communication with your primary doctor for this. Apart from this always make sure to get all your medicines from one pharmacist only which would help to get the right medicines and recommendations always. Here the pharmacist would also guide you on the possible side effects if you are planning to take any new medicines for your loved ones.

Medication management has become a necessity now no matter how old the person is. You will get various mobile apps that would help to manage the medications effectively.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]