how to wash a northface backapck

How to wash a north face backpack (step By Step Guide)

Are you looking for a step by step guide on “How to wash a north face backpack,” then you have to come to the right place

A backpack is very special for kids, teenagers, and travelers; a backpack is something that everyone carries around us. We keep everything, books, food, clothes, and other equipment in the backpack, making our backpack smelly and dirty. When you buy your first backpack, you wish the backpack’s shape, color and zips look new even after a long run, and it is not a big deal you can keep your backpack new, but for that, you have to learn how to clean and wash the backpack safely.

Before cleaning or washing a backpack, you get to know in the instructions whether washing your backpack is suitable or not, most North face backpacks are waterproof, but still, some of their bags are not waterproof. The North face provides a good water-resistant covering that protects the fabric from damage. And the real purpose of choosing a north face backpack is its high quality, North face is a company that has been running for five decades now, and their excellent outdoor gears is what made them very popular, north face gears may come at a specific cost but is worth every penny if you see the quality of their products.

Follow the Guide to wash your North Face backpack

Empty your backpack

Take everything out from the backpack. Maybe there are your important documents in your backpack, so don’t hurry up,  check all the pockets and compartments, and make sure there should be nothing left inside. After getting everything out, open all the zippers and shake the bag downward. It will bring every little piece you couldn’t bring out due to being hard to reach. Now begin the next step.

Clean it with a wet cloth

Take a cloth or old towel, wash it and rinse it with your hands; clean the backpack with this damp cloth from inside and outside. It will remove all the dirt and dust. But keep in mind if your backpack has any cracks, then skip this step.

Clean stains and spots with a brush

Please take a little brush, or you don’t have any, then take an old toothbrush, dip it in Oxiclean and lightly rub the brush on the stains. After finishing this, clean those areas with a damp cloth.

Soak it

If your backpack still has dirt, you can soak it in the water, use lukewarm water, and fill the water in a tub or washbasin. Less detergent use while soaking the backpack And don’t use detergents that contain bleach; bleach can damage the fabric. Use OxiClean or another detergent without bleach, and you can also use baby shampoo.

For this, mix any cleaning solution in the water first, now add the backpack in the water and soak it for a while, don’t leave it there for too long as your backpack could get damaged.


Now the backpack is clean, make sure all the soap or detergent comes out from the backpack. For this, take clean water in a tub and again submerge the backpack in it, and rinse it two to three-sometimes; with this, your backpack will be clean as new.


In the end, you have to dry your backpack hang it upside down so that all access water comes out easily, do not dry your backpack in the dryer. It can damage or melt the fabric of your backpack, and People usually make a mistake; they dry the backpack under the sun and do not dry it in a shaded area.

In conclusion

You can wash your north backpack if it gets dirty, with keeping all the do’s and don’ts in mind, and we hope you enjoy the whole Guide and still, if you guys have any questions, feel free to comment below.


Are north face backpacks waterproof?

Yes, most of the north face backpack is waterproof, but still, some bags are not waterproof; you must check while buying a bag that it’s waterproof.

How to clean a north face backpack without washing it?

You can clean a north face bag without washing with a damp cloth or spot cleaning method.

How to keep clean a north face backpack?

Don’t add too many things to the backpack while carrying it; avoid adding some kind of food and liquid to your backpack.

Can I use bleach detergent to wash my backpack?

Using a bleach detergent is not safe for washing a backpack; it can damage the fabric and cause any discoloration. So avoid bleach detergents.

Do north face backpacks get dirty easily?

How dirty your bag gets depends   on what things you carry in it and where you take it; usually, north face’s backpack doesn’t get dirty easily because the fabric is a high quality waterproof; that’s why

Can you wash your north face backpack in a machine?

Yes, you can wash your north-face backpack in a washing machine, but it is unsafe. Washing machine is too harsh for your backpack; it’s better to hand wash your backpack; the washing machine should be your last option; if you think the stains are stubborn enough not to go away through the hand wash, then you can machine wash your backpack, but north dace don’t allow to put a backpack in a washing machine, so be careful while washing your backpack in a machine.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]