skincare routine

Lemon Essential Oil Benefits and Drawbacks for Your Skin

In the realm of beauty, essential oils are the current superheroes. Many skin care and beauty products rely on the skin-loving characteristics of essential oils to improve their efficacy. Essential oils can help with everything from dry skin, acne-prone skin, to serious skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

What’s more, guess what? All of the fuss about essential oils isn’t for naught. These little beauties are all-natural and include a variety of powerful skincare compounds that cure, heal, and rejuvenate your skin. If you prefer natural skincare remedies and good quality essential oils. You should first know the best essential oil for skin, we strongly advise you to try essential oils from Young Living if you haven’t already.

Lemon oil may have the following skin-care benefits, according to both scientific studies and anecdotal accounts:

  • absorbent
  • antibacterial
  • Antifungal from a reputable source, such as Candida yeast.
  • astringent
  • conditioning fragrance
  • aids in the reduction of hyperpigmentation.

Continue reading to learn more about lemon oil’s benefits and downsides in skincare.


The best way to use lemon oil depends on the sort of oil you’re using and what you’re doing with it. Here are some of the most prevalent applications and how-tos for each.

Acne scars and acne

If you have acne-prone skin, lemon oil has two qualities that you should be aware of:

  • astringents
  • antimicrobial

These properties, when combined, have the potential to reduce inflammation as well as acne, the bacteria that cause inflammatory acne. Astringents are also recognized for getting rid of dead skin cells that clog pores.

Lemon oil’s properties make the skin soft for exfoliating, which can also help to minimize acne hyperpigmentation.

One method of utilizing lemon oil for acne and acne scars is to apply it at night:

  • Combine 1 drop of lemon oil and a little amount of non-comedogenic oil in a small container.
  • Apply on a cotton ball and dab on the skin’s afflicted area gently.
  • Allow 2 to 5 minutes for the mask to dry.
  • Apply your usual cleanser on your face and continue with the rest of your skincare routine.

Lemon oil has the potential to be overpowering, resulting in red, peeling skin. As a result, you might choose to start with once-daily applications only a few times each week at first.

As a cleanser for the face

Lemon extracts are used in several over-the-counter face cleansers to boost the cleaning effects of the products. If you want to add lemon oil extract to your face wash, simply mix one drop of oil with a tiny amount of the wash in your hand before using.

Because lemon oil has the potential to dry up your skin, you should only use it once a day at first. If you notice redness or irritation, stop using it immediately.

Enhancer for the bath

A warm bath can relax muscles and be therapeutic on its own. Lemon and other citrus-based essential oils can also improve your mood and make you feel less tired.

To use lemon oil in your bath, add 5 to 10 drops to a cup of carrier oil.

Fill a bathtub halfway with warm water and add this mixture.

You can use this procedure as often as you want, but if any signs of irritation appear, you should stop.

You can use a patch test to see if you’re allergic to pure lemon oil or a lemon-based product. Apply a small amount of carrier oil mixed with lemon oil on the inside of your elbow and leave it alone for 48 hours. If a rash appears, you may be allergic to lemon oil. If no symptoms appear within a few days, the oil is probably safe to use.

These are the many benefits of using lemon essential oil on your skin. So, once you are certain about using this oil, get yours from Young Living.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]