
Let’s Learn About Some Wedding Superstitions to Prepare Better

You dated a Filipina and now want to marry her. If you met her parents, you would know what they think of you. While the thought of marriage is also good, it will be better if you know what the Philippines’ weddings mean. Their gesture and hospitality don’t hide anything. Knowing their beliefs and rituals will help you avoid any embarrassment too. Superstitions are the byproduct of this. The locals still follow wedding superstitions even if they are beyond logic. They say that one can see colonization’s influence on Filipino belief systems and culture. 

Hence, if you decide to marry a Christian Filipina after dating her for some time, you should first learn what to do or avoid on a wedding day. Begin your preparation. Here are some hints.

Would-be couple meeting each other a few hours before the wedding!

Some foreign traditions also believe in this. There is a belief that seeing each other before the beginning of the ceremonies can prove unlucky. The couple’s future can get affected. For modern couples, these things may not matter. However, marrying a Filipina is like marrying into a family. When you respect these little things, you respect your girl’s parents. Doing this can earn you their blessings more. Hence, it can be a bonus.

Bride or groom dropping the engagement ring during the ritual!

People assume two things when this happens – 1) someone dear in the family will die, or 2) the marriage will not survive for long. That’s why it’s crucial to be attentive and handle the ring carefully. You don’t want anyone to get worried over this simple mistake. Then, there is also a thing about the ring size. A wedding ring demonstrates the would-be couple’s bond. If the ring is loose, people will doubt the longevity of the marriage. However, a tight band indicates troubles. The Philippines consider this as a sign of bad luck for the family.

Rice throwing at the newly married couple!

In many places, people use flowers and confetti. But Filipino locals use rice. They throw this grain at the couple for their good luck and prosperity.

The appearance of rain on the wedding day!

Everyone wants the weather to be pleasant on their special day. And rain is the last thing someone will desire during the wedding because their ceremonies can get affected. However, it signifies good luck in the Philippines – a happy marriage. 

There are many such beliefs. You don’t have to believe these superstitions. However, you can respect what they think about all these things. After all, they are your family. They feel so because they want you to lead a successful and fulfilling married life. When you take care of minor details beyond your personality, you win everyone’s love. The entire clan will be proud to have you as a part of their family. Hence, if you are serious about converting your relationship into marriage, learn about your girl’s side of wedding rituals. Your knowledge can leave everyone spellbound. Make sure you refrain from making people notice your efforts.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]