Lots of the Details about EBITDA

Here we are discussing about EBITDA and all the details that are related to EBITDA. Here in the below, a table of contents is mentioned. So that you can easily learn all with the help of the following table of contents and the details or explanation that is explained in the below section.

The Table of Contents

  1. What Is EBITDA?
  2. EBITDA Formula and Calculation
  3. Understanding EBITDA
  4. EBITDA and Leveraged Buyouts
  5. The Drawbacks of EBITDA
  6. EBITDA vs. EBT and EBIT
  7. EBITDA vs. Operating Cash Flow
  8. Examples of EBITDA
  9. How to calculate the EBITDA?

How to calculate the EBITDA?

The way of calculating the EBITDA will be discuss in this section. You can calculate the EBITDA while using the information about the income of the company or an organization statement. You can easily be calculate the  EBITDA from statement of company and the cash flow statement. You can also calculate by the balance sheet also. The formula to calculate the EBITDA is as follows;

EBITDA = Net Income + Interest + Taxes + Depreciation + Amortization


The EBITDA is measure of company of overall the financial performance and EBITDA is used for an alternative or similar to the net income in few of the circumstances or situations. Strips out price of capital investment include the equipment also.

The Key Takeaways are as under;

  1. The EBITDA is a company that is widely used metric for profitable of corporate.
  2. The EBITDA can also be used in order to compare the companies against each other and also to the industry averages.
  3. EBITDA is really a good and better measure of core. It is best core of profit trends. It is because it has an ability of eliminates the few of extraneous factors. It also provides the more accurate comparison between the two companies
  4. The EBITDA has also a use of shortcut to estimate the cash flow. The cash that flows is available to pay the debt for a long term of assets.

The Formula and Calculation of EBITDA

In the straightforward manner or way, the EBITDA is calculated in order to estimate its formula that helps while performing a work. It is calculated in straightforward manners with the information. The information that is easier to found for a company. The company’ income statement and the balance sheet are easily be found by a company.

The EBITDA formulas are available in two forms that are used to calculate the EBITDA. The first formula that is to use in order to operating the income and the second formula for calculation is to operate the net or total income.

The two calculations of EBITDA are mentioned in the below;

First calculation of the EBITDA is as follows;

EBITDA + Net or total income + taxes + Interest expense + Depreciation and Amortization

The second calculation of EBITDA is mentioned in follows;

The EBITDA =  an operating income +  a depreciation & amortization

EBITDA and the Leveraged Buyouts

In the first, the EBITDA came for the prominence in the year of 1980s as leveraged buyouts investors. The leveraged buyouts investors can examine distressed companies. The distressed companies that are need financial restructuring. They are using the EBITDA in order to calculate in a more quick whether such kind of the companies could pay back the interest or not on such types of financial deals.

Drawbacks of EBITDA

Under the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the GAAP, EBITDA is not fall into it as a measuring the financial performance by the EBITDA. It is because of EBITDA is in a ‘non GAAP’ measure. The calculation of EBITDA varies from one company or organization to the next company or organization. For the companies or the organizations, it is common for them to emphasize EBITDA. They emphasize the EBITDA over the total or net income just because of that it is flexible and smooth. That can distract from one problem in the financial statements to other problems area.

Ignores Costs of Assets

Here is a common misconception is EBITDA. The EBITDA represents the earnings of cash. Although, unlikely the free of cost cash flows. The EBITDA ignores all the cost of the assets. There are more of the criticisms of EBITDA but one of the common criticisms of the EBITDA is that EBITDA assumes the more profitability is a function of the sale and a function for operations alone.  It almost as the assets and financial companies or organizations need to survive for a gift or not.


The EBIT-Earning before interest and taxes is company or organization that is net or total income just before or earlier income tax expenses. That interest expense and have been deducted at that time. The EBIT has an ability of analyzing the performance or working of a company or an organization’ core operations without containing the tax expense and also the cost or price of capital structure influence profit. The EBIT also contains a formula for calculation. The formula for calculating the EBIT is given in the follows;

\textit{EBIT} = \text{Net Income} + \text{Interest Expense} + \text{Tax Expense}EBIT=Net Income+Interest Expense+Tax Expense

EBT-Earning before tax reflects the how much of the operating profit has realized so far. It realizes just before the accounting for tax. The EBT excludes the payment of the interest and the taxes, both of them are excluded by the EBT.

Examples of EBITDA

The Example of EBITDA is mentioned in the below table with the net income. The net income is also mentioned in the following table.

Net Income 20,000,000 US dollars
The Depreciation Amortization 10,000,000 US dollars
The Interest Expense 5,000,000 US dollars
The Taxes 5,000,000 US dollars
An EBITDA 40,000,000 US dollars

Here in the below table, it is an example of EBITDA. In the following, there are two companies are mentioned such as company A and the company B are as follows;

  Company A Company B
An EBITDA $20,000,000 $17,500,000
The Depreciation and  the  Amortization -$2,000,000 -$2,500,000
Interest Expense -$8,000,000 -$5,000,000
Taxes -$2,000,000 -$2,000,000
Net Income $8,000,000 $8,000,000


About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]