
Luan Plywood 101: Everything You Need To Know

Found in the South Pacific Rim, Luan Plywood  is a type of plywood that is typically thin and lightweight. When it comes to luan plywood, many factors make it different from other types of plywood. For example, you will find more voids within luan plywood because it is thinner than other types of plywoods and has a tendency to expand during the drying process.

The extra expansion is why this plywood is recommended for wall panels with irregular shapes. In addition, since luan plywood is not sanded like most other types of plywoods, it might contain pieces of wood called knots which means an interesting design pattern. Here’severything you need to know about Luan Plywood!

Luan Plywood History

Luan Plywood tree is a type of timber prevalent in the Pacific Rim. Most of the world’s production of luan plywood comes from the Asia-Pacific region, which is a key component in construction.

Most of the luan plywood sold in North America comes from Asia, while Europe imports most of its luan plywood from Brazil. More than six million cubic meters of luan plywood are produced annually across all global regions.

Luan plywood is an engineered wood product with a dense core consisting of as many as six veneer layers that are cross-laminated under heat and pressure. It is similar to Sapele in construction, though generally easier to work with.

Luan plywood is also known by various other names, such as Pacific Rim plywood, Asian hardboard, or just luan. While the exact history of how this plywood came about is unclear, experts believe it was first made in Japan between 1910 and 1920.

Production and Caring

Luan Plywood is produced by cooking thin sheets of wood veneer in boiling water and then applying pressure to the veneer. Cooking the veneer leaves it with a spongy consistency that makes it very good for producing plywood. It also helps protect the wood from splitting or breaking during production.

When produced, Luan Plywood needs to be cleaned and handled with care.Any time you are working on your luan plywood, you should use gloves to avoid leaving oils from your hands on the surface. When your project is complete, wipe down the surface with warm soapy water to remove any oils or stains before storing it away.

Red or White Luan

There are two common types of  Luan plywood, Red and White Luan. Red Luan is stronger than white Luan because it is made from the highest quality grade of birch. White Luan is cheaper than red luan but can be a better option for less demanding projects such as shelving units.

White Luan is slightly thinner than red luan. It’s also made of three layers of birch veneer instead of four or five, but it has a comparable strength rating to red luan and can be easily stained, painted, or varnished, just like red luan.

The biggest difference between white and red Luan plywood is their price; white Luan costs much less than red luan. But do your research before buying either type to ensure they meet your requirements.


To summarize, Luan plywood is one of the best materials for woodworking. The product is also affordable, durable, and easy to work with.

Whether a beginner or expert woodworker, Luan plywood will become your favorite material for any project.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]