Time Tracker

Make the Most of Your Day with LogWork Time Tracker

Whether working by hour or by project, it is necessary to know how much time is being spent on each project, and how many hours are spent working during the day. This information is vital to seeing the best productivity and discovering where the biggest return on time invested it. LogWork time tracking software, with screenshot monitor feature, is a highly functional and easy-to-use time tracker. Available across all platforms, it lets you see where you are making or losing money and where your time is being spent. 

See Your Productivity Easily

Some hours of the day are more productive than others, and for a freelancer especially, knowing the most productive hours is key to success. Using LogWork Time Tracking tool, you can easily start and stop the timer for different projects as you move through the day, and it will track the time you work the most and the ones that you take breaks, as well as how much time you spend on each project overall. 

Billing clients by hour is easier with this tool and allows you to present tracked times of how long you worked on any one project. Simplify your own billing process by integrating the apps or software into your day. It works on all platforms and can be used and updated wherever you choose to work. 

Track Employee Hours with Ease

As working from home has gained widespread popularity, companies are seeing the benefits of the flexibility and lower overhead that work at home can offer. To assist in the shift, whether permanent or temporary, LogWork Time Tracker with the screenshot monitor feature keeps employers up to date and offers random screenshots of the time logged throughout the day. 

With this easy time tracking software, employers can focus on coaching employees and following up on their own tasks. It can prevent micromanaging and provide increased flexibility for both employers and employees. For work that is billed out by project or by hour, companies can consolidate the hours spent on any project by all the employees working on it. See exactly how much time and resources were spent on each project across your entire company. 

Team Projects

Working in a team can bring great benefits, but it can also be difficult to see how much anyone is doing on the project. Including a time tracker will help to maintain balance on the time spent, helps to see what portions other people are working on and how much progress is being made. It also ensures that at the end of the project there is a way to see how many hours were spent. By combining the time tracking of each member of the team, employers and clients can be presented with a precise amount of time that was spent as a whole

Time tracking is an important part of all project management and team management systems, as well. Adding LogWork to freelance work, project management, and supporting remote workers, offers a seamless and smooth method of tracking the hours for every team member and each project.  

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]