Make Your Upholstery Stain Free By Yourself

It is common to see stains on upholstered furniture. Expert upholstery cleaning service can successfully remove all stains from the upholstery. But, it is not necessary that every time, you want to invest in professional upholstery protection to remove the stains, which can be easily removed by you.

Here are some tips to remove common stains from upholstery.

  1. Food Stains:

Food stain is the most common cause of stains on upholstered furniture. If you drop or spill food in any form on the upholstery, take quick action. All you have to do is with the tissue or white towels soak up the liquid or semi-liquid food (do not rub the stain), and if it’s a solid food then lift it. Doing so will clean the stain from the surface and stop it from spreading.

  1. DIY Hack:

If you find any kind of food stains on the upholstery, which is not a fresh stain or you were not present at the moment, then use this upholstery cleaning technique:

  • Make a mixture of white vinegar, washing powder, and baking soda
  • Carefully, rub the cleaning mixture on the stained area
  • Take a scrub or brush to scrap of the stain. But, while doing that you have to be gentle to make sure you do not damage the upholstery.
  • Following the procedure, spray clean water on the affected area and soak it up with a clean towel.
  • Let it dry naturally or you can even vacuum the area if feasible.
  1. Bloodstain:

For any reason, if you get bloodstain on the upholstery, then the first step for sofa stain protection is to soak up as much blood from the surface as you can. Though you are going to use an upholstery cleaning service from professionals, you must absorb excess blood before they arrive.

If you feel that stains are lighter and do not want to call professional upholstery protection, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Moist a clean preferably white cloth and keep it over the blood-stained area to soak up the excess blood from the surface.
  • This will help stains not to settle deep down into the upholstery fabric.
  • Then, add a mixture of soap water into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the cleaning solution on the stained area to moisten it.
  • Blot it with a microfibre cloth.
  • Repeat the process until the bloodstain vanishes completely.
  • After removing the stain, take another clean cloth and dampen it in cold water. Put it to remove the soap from the upholstery where soap water was sprayed.
  • Soak up water using another dry cloth.
  • Leave upholstery to dry.

In one or two rounds of the above-mentioned upholstery cleaning guides, the common or lighter stain will be removed. But if you find that the stains are stubborn and can’t be removed by you, then we recommend you to invest in a professional sofa stain protection service.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]