Google Analytics

Making Google Analytics Work for You

There is no doubt that the internet is currently one of the most effective marketing tools available to businesses, regardless of their size, service or the length of time they have been operating for. Sites like Google, Facebook and Twitter are used frequently by all businesses as a means to drive traffic to their website. One of the most effective ways that these organisations can keep track of how effective an online presence they have is through Google Analytics.

Why You Should Use Google Analytics

Regardless of how much you intend on using your website as a mean to generate sales, Google Analytics can be incredibly beneficial as it:

  • Let’s you know who has visited your website
  • Shows you where your visitors live
  • Tells you what websites send traffic your way
  • Allows you to better understand marketing tactics
  • Let’s you know what pages on your site are most popular
  • Allows you to understand how you should improve your website

Generating clicks to your website is an incredibly effective way to build your business. This is why many are opting for the help of sites such as Factory. This Manchester PPC Agency runs campaigns online to generate traffic to business’ websites. It’s an incredibly effective way to increase sales and using Google Analytics will show just how much of a benefit such campaigns can be.

How To Use Google Analytics

Firstly, you will need to download a Google Analytics account. If you are already set up with a Google Account, such as one for Gmail or Google Drive then you’ll be able to set up your Analytics account with this. If not, then it’s incredibly simple to create one. After this, there are a few steps to follow to ensure you’re using Google Analytics to its full potential.

  1. Install a tracking code

Once you have set up an account, you’ll receive a tracking ID, which will give you access to your installation code. This code needs to be installed on every page on your website in order for Google Analytics to work.

  1. Set Up Goals

By going to “Admin” then “goals” you will be able to tell analytics what you are hoping to achieve on your website. This is one of the simplest forms of conversion tracking available.

  1. Keep an eye on your google analytics data

Once your account is set up, it will take about 24 hours before you are able to view data. Once you are receiving data there are numerous reports available that will give you a good indication as to how your site is doing and what people are looking at.

Different Reports on Google Analytics

There is a huge variety of different reports; however, some of the most useful include:

  • Audience Reports

These reports will give you information regarding your visitors age and gender. It will also tell you what their interests are, their location and what language they speak.

  • Acquisition Reports

These reports are very helpful in providing information regarding what actually drew visitors to your website. It will tell you whether they have arrived through a search, a physical ad or from social media.

  • Behaviour Reports

These will provide information on how your content is being received, specifically, what pages on your site are most popular and on what pages people tend to leave your site.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]