Valentine Day Gifts Sweet

Propose To Your Love With Valentine Day Gifts Sweet And Adorable

The most awaited countdown for the year has begun, and we are less than a week to enter the golden days to celebrate with our valentines. But oops you don’t have one yet, worry not you will have a love of your life by your side in a week from now. Have you thought of any special ways to propose your love or tell him or her how you feel? If yes, we are really proud and if not here are some valentine day special gift that you can take advantage of to look good in front of your crush. The most outward expressions and gestures can save your life when you are going to propose to someone. And if there are little chances for them to agree to your popped question you could really use these presents to tip the situation in your favour a little.

Are you ready to step on the roller coaster ride deciding that one big or bunch of little presents that will save you on the Vday? Well, hold your breath, and get on this nerve-wracking journey; it will be super fun.

Have you ever seen one of those very cute Bollywood scenes where the guy gives her girl a pack of cupcakes and just as she eats a, but she finds a little heartfelt note and the moment just becomes unforgettable?

  • Bouquets with hidden chocolates

There’s a trend to give red flowers on valentines day and hands down is the most beautiful thing, now add a flavour of sweetness with Ferrero rocher chocolates in the bouquet along with red roses.

  • Ring in the cake

If this is a serious proposal for marriage, you could go with the Hollywood vibe and get the ring in her piece of the cake. Won’t it be romantic when everyone will witness this magical moment, and she will be blushing like a rose?

  • A parcel of surprise

Going forward with the Hollywood vibe once again, you could have an employee from the dining place come to your table with a gift from your side. The gesture to go out of the box will be so special.

  • Midnight gifts

If you think there won’t be any trouble at your to-be Valentine’s house, you could send them a midnight surprise parcel with cake, bouquet or a present like a handbag or a dress for the next day. Also, slip a note with it saying how your heart is pounding at the thought of they being your Valentine forever.

  • A public proposal

This may require big-time courage and a lot of planning, but if you or your partner are Bollywood fans, this is the moment to seize. Get on one knee and speak to her as you propose with a ring, your valentine is probably going to yes.

  • A trip to the mountains

If you have been together for some time and you want to take it one step further proposing them for togetherness forever or marriage, take them to the mountains and as you are paragliding together or road raging whisper in their ears your pure intention for them.

  • A surprise dinner with family

If you are serious and it’s just left to introduce parents and the deed will be done, don’t wait any more time and arrange a surprise dinner somewhere at a nice restaurant. Keep it a surprise for your valentine and invite them to dinner. And note the expression on their face when they know what it’s about. Do remember to click their reaction.

  • A surprise party on the rooftop

You may want to involve your friends and family in this spree of happiness that has knocked your door. Get a big poster hung on the wall with all your pictures together, get down on one knee and keep everyone hidden till you pop the question.

  • The question in the box

Like some people who hide their question or answer in keychains and boxes, you can too. Either make a number of boxes and fit them one in the other and place the question in an envelope in the last box. Or you can go for one small box that has a direct question.

Apart from these presents, you need a little confidence, a beautiful little smile, a tint of shyness and your partner will fall for you with a blink of an eye.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]