Shopify fulfillment network

Shopify fulfillment network vs. China fulfillment service

Shopify Fulfillment Network

When you sell something online, it needs to go through a fulfillment system. This way, your inventory is stored properly, and the products are sent to your customers in a reasonable time. Your fulfillment method also affects how much it costs your business to ship those products to your customers after they check out.

The Shopify Fulfillment Network is different than other services. The Shopify brand offers it to help you find a supplier, store your products, pack and ship them for you.

Shopify offers a network of fulfillment centers, suppliers, and warehouses so that you can use the ones that are more appropriate for your business. This way, you can get your products to your customers as quickly and efficiently as possible. You can also choose Shopify 3PL as there are many options available.

Benefits Of Shopify Fulfillment Network

  • Shopify offers excellent tools for building a website and selling online. For some companies, it makes sense to keep all of the steps involved in selling – like ordering and shipping – in one place. This makes it easier to manage everything.
  • You can put your branding on the packaging, the slips that come with the product, and the receipts. Other fulfillment options do not always let you do this.
  • This is a complete solution that gives you more control. You can contact different people when there are any problems. This also means you will know what is happening with your packages and what to do if someone returns something to you.

China Fulfillment Network

Doing business would be easy if you could deliver products directly from your factory in China to consumers in Europe, America, and Asia. It would be possible with the help of China-based fulfillment centers. These centers can store, package, and ship your products directly to your customers. Read more to know the benefits and best fulfillment centers.

Benefits Of China Fulfillment Network

  • If you are based in the United States and want to sell in the whole world, it is easier to send your products to a fulfillment center in China. This is because you do not have to set up your own warehouse or send products from the US.
  • Using a fulfillment center is often cheaper than renting a warehouse and hiring employees.
  • You will be able to ship your product internationally to customers in only a few days, rather than waiting more than a week.

Top 3 China Fulfilment Centers


Shipwire is a company that helps to ship products to different parts of the world. They have fulfillment centers in 45 different countries. Shipwire is a company that allows people to sell things online. They have offices in Europe, China, and Hong Kong. They also have warehouses in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. They work with a few shipping companies. These companies are DHL, FedEx, Hong Kong Post, and SF Express.


ZhenHub has fulfillment centers in 11 different countries, including China. You can choose the fulfillment centers to manage your inventory and global shipping from a single online dashboard. You can compare shipping prices to different destinations quickly by using an online calculator. This will help sellers choose the most cost-effective shipping solution for their orders to more than 100 countries.

ZhenHub lets you control your global shipping. You can choose to use air freight, ocean freight, etc. They work with a lot of shipping companies, like DHL, FedEx, China Post, and SF Express. They also have integrations for all the major e-commerce platforms like Woocommerce, Shopify, and Amazon.


NextSmartShip is a fulfillment center that operates in many different countries, including the US, China, Europe, and Australia. They offer shipping services to over 200 countries. They assign each of their clients to a service manager, who you can talk to about the process and ask questions. They can also help with inventory management and eCommerce integration either than just order fulfillment.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]