Fix My iPhone

Should I Fix My iPhone or Get a New One?

You love your iPhone and treat it like a baby, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe from the world. If you dropped your phone or broke the screen, is it cheaper to have it fixed or buy a new one? There is no doubt that iPhones are expensive, but with new versions coming out every year is it worth fixing it or just grab the newest version?

If you often ask yourself, “Should I fix my iPhone,” then you’re not alone. It’s a common problem, so we created a guide to help you determine if it’s worth fixing or just get a new one.

What Version iPhone Do You Have?

Apple is notorious for stopping support for iPhones and other older products. It’s a mix of why update out of date technology and wanting you to upgrade to the newest version. Many people love their phones and don’t want to get new ones.

iPhone screens are tough, but if they break and it’s an older model, then it’s worth updating rather than getting it fixed. The repair will be expensive anyway, so it’s better to buy a new one than fix an older phone.

If the iPhone is new, then it’s worth repairing it unless you’re looking for a reason to upgrade your phone. “Where can I fix my iPhone,” you may say? Talk to your local iPhone dealer.

Should I Fix My Phone: Type of Repair

Perhaps the biggest factor in knowing to repair or get a new phone is what type of repair is it? You probably say, “How can I fix my iPhone screen near me” or “How can I fix my iPhone near me.” If the repair is minor, then fixing it is cheaper, but if you totaled the screen or the internal components are broken, then buy a new one.

If the problem is software-related, then you may not need to pay anything. Perhaps a factory reset or downloading a driver or new app fixes the issue.

Is It Under Warranty?

If you have a newer phone, then it still might be under warranty. The warranty covers repairs, but there are limits. If you don’t know if your phone is covered, contact the place you purchased it from. They should have files that tell you.

If it’s under warranty, then the cost of the repair is nothing. If you’ve cracked your phone or unlocked it, then you may have voided the warranty. You can also pay for additional iPhone protector cover to protect your phone.

If it isn’t under warranty or if it isn’t covered, then you are responsible for the repair. The cost depends on who does the repair and the repair is done. If it’s expensive, then buying a new phone might be easier.

It’s Your Decision

Ultimately, the decision to “fix my iPhone” or “buy a new one” depends on your personal choice. Older phones are usually better to replace, and newer phones should be repaired.

If you want to learn more about iPhone repair, then please explore our site.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]