
Signs that will make you believe that you are not washing your boxers right

You might consider yourself to be an expert in doing your laundry and must be taking care of your laundry like a pro. But do you know that you might have been humiliating your women boxer shorts all these years? It is easy to get started with a rub-a-dub day on a week off, but there are certain mistakes that can lead to some seasoned laundry mistakes. So here are a few mistakes that you have been making over all these years:

Usage of fabric softeners

Fabric softeners may be a good thing to use, but not when you are washing synthetic boxers. Usage of fabric softeners can actually cover your women boxer shorts with a trace of film, which should not be ideally used for synthetics. These residues can actually cause your synthetic boxers to stink and may make you uncomfortable while you wear them. Hence, it is good to ditch the fabric softeners while you wash your synthetic boxers.

Usage of traditional detergent

Your boxers need some extra care, and thus they cannot be washed with a traditional detergent, especially when you buy synthetic boxers. Traditional detergents can actually clog the fibre rather than cleaning the boxers effectively. So instead of using traditional detergents, search for detergents that are specialised for synthetics so that you can make your boxers live longer.

Addition of too much detergent

Just like using traditional detergent is not good for your boxers, using a specialised detergent in excess is neither good. You should add the detergent in moderation rather than simply scooping out a spoonful of detergent and adding it to the water. Even if you have a smelly batch of boxers to watch, do not overdo with the detergent and only add that much amount that is recommended. There is a specific ratio for the same because excess detergent can cause staining over your boxers and leave a residue over them. This will further not only ruin your boxers but can also leave its stains behind in the machine, which can further give birth to moulds causing your washing machines to stink.

Failure to clean the washing machines

Yes, washing machines are meant for cleaning your clothes, but it doesn’t mean that you should not wash your washing machines. Your washing machines require cleaning too. This is something that many people fail to abide by. When you do not clean your washing machines, residue easily gets accumulated inside the washing machine, which may further clog the dispensers and may also let out a foul odour. Thus practice a cleaning regime for your washing machines as well so that your boxers come out clean from the washing machines without giving out a funky and stinky smell.

Addition of fragrance beads

It may sound easy to add on a few beads of fragrance when it comes to washing a smelly batch of boxers and other laundry. These fragrance beads can indeed mask the bad odour but may fail to get your boxers clean thoroughly. So try skipping the fragrance beads and proceed with a regular cleaning session of your boxers.

Overfilling of the dryers

Your washing machine dryers have a certain capacity, and you cannot exceed the limits for good. It may be easy for you to overfill the dryer with all your boxers in one go, but this might not be healthy for your boxers. Stashing in all the boxers at a time can surely save you time but can cause damage to the fabric of your boxers. So instead of stuffing up your washing machine dryer, air dry it if possible and even if you have to dry it in the dryer, consider drying them in small batches. Also, ensure to keep the heat at a low or medium intensity to retain the life of your comfy boxers.


Boxers are one of the comfiest nightwear’s that you can pick on while shopping for womens clothing online but maintaining them right can save you from spending over boxers over and over again. The above-mentioned mistakes are highly common that most users tend to overlook. But now, since you know about the mistakes that you have been making all these years, make sure not to repeat them again to have happy and new looking boxers.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]