Straight Shooter: 5 Tips to Improve Your Shooting Aim at the Gun Range

Every new shooter should learn the fundamentals to help focus their shooting aim for accuracy. Shooters without the experience and the essential tips can cause accidents and misfires at the local gun range.

This is why it’s important to know the tips to help guide you in safely firing your weapon at the gun range. This short guide will give you five tips you can use to improve accuracy.

Gun Aim & Positioning

Your position is important when approaching the target. Your position is what your stance will be, how to shape your physicality when shooting. The isosceles stance can help keep ground your footing. There is also the weaver stance which places the foot back behind your center.

These positions can help guide your shot down the center. When you think about shooting, you always want to consider your stance. If you lose your footing, the imbalance in the shot can cause your bullet to ricochet dangerously.

Two Types of Aiming

After you correct this positioning, you can now consider the aim. Your aim is broken down into two different categories. There is sight alignment and then you have picture alignment.

With sight alignment, the shooter might line up their sights. These two sights on the weapon are known as your rear sights and your front sights.

The two posts spread apart in the rear of the gun indicate the rear sights. A single post at the front of the weapon will indicate the front sights. While aiming down the weapon, you’ll want to align these posts.

When aiming down the barrel the posts from the rear and front sights will give you an idea of the bullet’s trajectory. The front sight post will align in the middle of the two rear sight posts.

Make sure they’re at an even level with even space on either side. This should appear as a straight line, taking you to picture alignment.

You want to underline the target that your sight creates. Then, you want to focus on the target via the front sight. The rear sight and the target will out of focus when you focus.

These types of sight control can change with long range weapons. Familiarize yourself with different types of weaponry before any trip.

Your eyes should rack focus to the front sight. This will give you a clear view of the connection from your weapon to the target.

Breathing Control

Breath is everything, it is not only the source of our life but the way we can help ourselves concentrate. Breathing is an important part of shooting.

If you line up your sights, you won’t want to be caught mid-breath. You’ll want to take a nice breath before shooting, and exhale a touch and then stop. At that moment, you take a shot and then you continue breathing as normal.

But, the longer you hold your breath the more intense the tremors. This can cause shaking in the hands and a misfiring.

Trigger Discipline & Control

Trigger discipline is an important aspect every gun owner should know. Where you place your finger will affect your shot. Touch the trigger with the point between the tip of your finger and the first line wrinkle.

Make sure you control the gun with a firm grip. A loose grip can cause inaccuracy as well.

The Repetition & Follow-Through

It’s important not to anticipate the fire rate. If you follow these procedures you can keep the positioning consistent and the shots accurate.

The tension of anticipation can cause a misfire. That tension can make you push forward causing your shots to go lower.

Shooting Aim

If you follow the fundamentals for every visit it will center your shooting aim. It is a step-by-step process that takes practice but everyone has the potential to be an expert shooter.

Follow our lifestyle blog for more tips on how to improve your aim and accuracy!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]