Renovate the Bathroom

The Beginner’s Guide to Renovate the Bathroom on a Budget

It is true that budget constraints are a big reason many people do not want to go through with renovation plans. If you have just moved in or are in the middle of moving houses, there is already a lot on your plate. However,  day by day there are a number of different A+ Construction & Remodeling  plans and designs coming up that make sure you have your dream home on a budget.

Have you been planning a bathroom renovation for a long time but never managed to go through with the plan? If so, it is totally reasonable. A good redesign or renovation of any kind takes a lot of time, effort, and of course money. But let us explore some of the great options you can look into if you want a budget makeover of your bathroom to go with your beautiful home.

Things to Remember for Renovation

When you are looking to renovate any part of your house, there are some things you must definitely consider. These are:

  • Plan out your budget before starting out
  • Get a professional opinion if you need- interior designers are always there to help
  • Set a time frame and try to get the work done within that time
  • Prepare for a bit of inconvenience when there is all the work going on

Considering the last point, you should know that bathroom renovation is quite an elaborate process. You may have to use alternative sinks, choose another bathroom for the meantime and get ready to step on a lot of dust from time to time. But rest assured, it will totally be worth it in the end.

The Process of a Budget Renovation

If you are looking to go for bathroom renovations in Melbourne, there are certain dos and don’ts you can keep in mind before you go about the renovation process.

Let us see what are some of these things.

The Dos:

  1. Use of lookalikes: If you are not a very picky person with material, there is a range of alternative materials to use in the bathroom. Faux stone tiles, vinyl flooring, and plank vinyl can look amazing but cost you half of the original.
  2. Prepare for plumbing: after the basic plumbing is done by a professional, you can take over. Try to fix a few leaks and attach some extra pipes by yourself. This will cut half the cost of plumbing and give you a few required lessons.
  3. Focus on the Sink: The one thing people will surely notice about your bathroom is the sink. So rather than investing all your money in the rest of the place, choosing the best quality and the best looking sink can make your bathroom a lot more pretty than you think. Saving money on other materials can help you get the sink with a fancy material that you have always wanted or something that will go perfectly with your house.

The Don’ts:

  1. Don’t discard, reuse and repair: A lesson to take during any kind of house renovation is that nothing can actually go to waste. Always be on the lookout for things to reuse. In the case of your bathroom, try to think of all the ways that can make the place pretty but not add more items to the place. Some additional repairs and repainting can make a bathroom look much better.
  2. Don’t replace: If you are working on a budget, one of the best decisions you can make is to not replace any of the already existing things. If you go on to replace the bathtub or the entire shower set-up, it will surpass your budget by a huge number. So, rather than replacing a thing entirely, try to fix the existing problems(in case of a shower) or give a repaint (in case of a tub).
  3. Don’t forget the finishing touches: One good thing about renovating your bathroom in your house is having control over the whole plan. If you are not happy with anything, you can just add some finishing touches with your choice of curtains and paint to complete the look. After all, the best part of any renovation is how it emerges in the final stage.

Be Free and Creative

A house that is remodeled or renovated with your own vision and creativity will reflect on the final result. Your idea for the house gives your house a certain character it needs and shows your style clearly. You can always go for professional help and they can, in fact, help you turn your vision into reality. But everyone should take a chance to renovate their own house, just for the fun of the whole experience.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]