The Best Mobile APPs to edit PDF

The Best Mobile APPs to edit PDF

PDFs have become an important part of our lives, helping us share files and documents. You can easily view your documents and make changes at any time of the day if you have a laptop or a desktop around.

But what if you need to make changes but the only gadget you have access to is a smartphone? Can you still make changes and edit files?

The answer is Yes!

There are plenty of apps available on our smartphones that can help you view documents easily. These are quite useful, and you can download them easily from PlayMarket or AppStore and use them whenever you want.

But if you are wondering whether there are apps that can help you edit your documents, you must know that there is nothing impossible. A lot of apps are available that will help you edit files and documents using your smartphones.

Here are a few of the best applications available on iOS and Android to help you view and edit files on the go.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

This app is a part of the Adobe family and is one of the best applications to exist. It works really well, allowing users to view documents and also write notes on documents. It also helps you, fill-in, and sign your files in PDF formats.

This app also makes it easier for you to store and organize all your files in the same place. Not only that, but it also allows cloud storage. You can share files using email applications or main messaging too.

The free version is quite good, but there is a paid version that has additional tools.

PDF Viewer Pro

This is one of the best apps and has great reviews too. PDF Viewer Pro is compatible with Windows, Mac. Android, iPad, iPhone, and also provide several other functions too.

Among other functions, it provides reading, editing documents and also lets you fill and sign documents. You can also save the files in several formats like Word, PPt, Excel, and many others.

Foxit PDF Reader

If you want to read, edit, and create PDF documents, this is the app. This app lets you download large files in a short time and can support them in small sizes too.

This app is also integrated with browsers like Opera and Firefox through plugins.

It can also help you run multimedia files and has several tools that can help with annotations, automatic filling, among others. The security options are pretty accurate, too, and all your documents and files can be secured.


This app is also an excellent PDF viewer and lets users send and fill out documents. This app has a simple interface and is easy to use. It is mostly used for business and commercial use. The free version comes with basic functions.

These are some excellent and useful applications that can help users make changes and view PDF files using only a smartphone which is always around. But if you are looking for similar functions on a PC without having to download any software, then you can visit to get your job done. It’s a nice and reliable tool to work with PDF that charges no money.


About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]