
The Essential Guide to NDIS Plan Reviews: How Support Coordinators Can Help

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be tricky, but support coordination streamlines the process – particularly when it comes to ensuring participants have appropriate NDIS plans. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the role of support coordinators, particularly in the context of NDIS plan reviews, and how they assist participants in achieving their goals.

Support coordination helps NDIS participants get the most out of their plans. Whether you’re new to the NDIS or undergoing a plan review, understanding the role of a support coordinator is essential. Visit Clickability for more detailed information on how support coordination can assist you.

What is Support Coordination?

Support coordination is an NDIS-funded service that helps participants manage and use their NDIS plans effectively. Support coordinators assist participants in understanding their plans, connecting with service providers, and achieving their personal goals. They play a critical role in helping participants navigate the NDIS system, particularly during plan reviews.

Types of Support Coordination

Support Connection: Helps participants build their ability to connect with informal, community, and funded supports.

Support Coordination: Focuses on assisting participants in understanding and implementing their plan through a range of supports.

Specialist Support Coordination: Provides a higher level of support coordination for participants with more complex needs, ensuring they receive appropriate services.

The Role of a Support Coordinator in NDIS Plan Reviews

Understanding Plan Reviews

An NDIS plan review is an essential process that ensures the participant’s plan remains relevant and effective. There are two main types of plan reviews:

  • Scheduled Reviews: These occur annually or as specified in the participant’s plan.
  • Unscheduled Reviews: These can be requested if there are significant changes in the participant’s circumstances or needs.

How Support Coordinators Assist in Plan Reviews

Preparation: Support coordinators help participants prepare for their plan reviews gathering relevant information, such as progress reports from service providers and any changes in the participant’s circumstances.

Goal Setting: They assist participants in reviewing their goals and determining whether they have been achieved or need to be adjusted.

Service Evaluation: Coordinators help evaluate the effectiveness of current services and supports, ensuring they align with the participant’s goals and needs.

Documentation: They assist in compiling necessary documentation, which is critical for justifying continued or additional funding.

Advocacy: During the review meeting, support coordinators advocate on behalf of the participant, ensuring their needs and preferences are clearly communicated.

Key Benefits of Support Coordination

Beyond Plan reviews, support coordinators have many other benefits. Here’s a few examples:

Enhanced Understanding of the NDIS

Support coordinators help participants understand the details of their plans and the services available to them. This understanding is crucial for making informed decisions during plan reviews.

Building Capacity

One of the primary goals of support coordination is to build the participant’s capacity to manage their own supports. Over time, participants become more confident and independent in handling their NDIS plans, making the most out of the funding and resources available to them.

Streamlined Access to Services

Support coordinators facilitate access to a broad range of services, ensuring participants connect with providers that best meet their needs. This includes navigating through a variety of services, from mainstream supports to specialised disability services.

Personalised Support

Support coordinators provide personalised support tailored to the unique needs of each participant. This personalised approach ensures that participants receive the right level of support to achieve their goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the role of a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) compared to a Support Coordinator?

A Local Area Coordinator (LAC) helps participants access the NDIS, develop their plans, and connect with local services and supports. Unlike support coordinators, LACs do not typically provide ongoing support once the plan is implemented.

Can I change my Support Coordinator?

Yes, participants can change their support coordinator if they are not satisfied with the service provided. It is important to find a support coordinator who understands your needs and can effectively assist you in achieving your goals.

How do I know if I need Specialist Support Coordination?

Specialist support coordination is for participants with complex needs that require more intensive support. If you have significant challenges in managing your supports or if your situation involves high-level risks, you may benefit from specialist support coordination.

How can I prepare for my NDIS plan review?

Preparation for an NDIS plan review involves:

  • Reviewing your current plan and progress towards your goals.
  • Gathering reports from your service providers.
  • Identifying any changes in your circumstances or needs.
  • Setting new goals if necessary.

What should I expect during an NDIS plan review meeting?

During an NDIS plan review meeting, you can expect to discuss your current supports and services, progress towards your goals, any changes in your circumstances, and your future support needs. Your support coordinator can assist in preparing for and participating in this meeting.

Interesting Facts and Statistics

  • NDIS Growth: As of 2023, the NDIS supports over 500,000 participants across Australia, providing a wide range of services and supports.
  • Funding: The NDIS is projected to provide over $22 billion in funding annually, making it one of the largest disability support programs globally.
  • Impact: Research indicates that participants who engage with support coordinators experience higher satisfaction with their NDIS plans and outcomes.

Can support coordination help you?

Support coordination is an invaluable service for NDIS participants, offering guidance, advocacy, and personalised support. By understanding the role of support coordinators, particularly during NDIS plan reviews, participants can better navigate the NDIS, achieve their goals, and enhance their overall wellbeing.

For more detailed information on how support coordination can assist you, visit Clickability.

Relevant External Links

  • NDIS Official Site –
  • Disability Support Guide –

By providing comprehensive support and expertise, support coordinators play a crucial role in the success of NDIS participants, helping them to lead more independent and fulfilling lives.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]