Working Jobs

The Most Popular Remote Working Jobs

Remote work has seen an explosion in popularity over recent years. This is primarily due to the fact that the pandemic forced many businesses to close their doors for months at a time.

As a result, more companies than ever before are offering remote positions. Let’s explore some of the most popular remote working jobs that you can take advantage of.


For those who are financially inclined, working as a remote accountant is a viable career option that you should keep in mind. In the vast majority of cases, you simply do not need to be physically present with your client in order to provide this invaluable service. It’s not uncommon for accountants to continually receive transaction information and other financial details from a company that they work for so that they can do their job.

It’s also entirely possible to work as an independent contractor and help clients on your own. This comes with even more freedom than typical remote jobs from home offer. Keep in mind, though, that you will be responsible for certain nuances like paying your own income tax and adhering to industry regulations.

Software Engineer

It should come as no surprise that tech occupations are often fully remote. After all, when your entire job consists of working with software on a computer, it makes complete sense to make having a computer the primary requirement. Some software engineers are even choosing to work remotely for firms in Silicon Valley.

This allows them to take advantage of the large salary that is typical of these businesses while residing in areas that have a lower cost of living. For example, someone might work remotely for Google while choosing to live in Indiana. This allows them to take their money much further than they would otherwise.

Freelance Writer

This is one of the classic remote jobs. In fact, it’s widely known that freelance writers are able to work from anywhere at any given time. Whether you craft web copy, write blogs, or develop manuals, being a freelance writer comes with some of the most flexibility that you will find in remote jobs

Even those who work directly for a company are often left to work at their own pace. As long as they meet deadlines, it is unlikely that issues will arise. Other remote jobs often require you to participate in virtual meetings with clients or superiors so that you can have a better grasp of the scope of the project.

Happen to own a business in need of a professional writer? You can check out this resource to learn more.

Graphic Designer

Similar to how you can put your creative talents to work as a freelance writer, you can do the same as a graphic designer. For those who want to create their own schedule, this is one of the most accommodating remote jobs online that you can find.

It’s also not uncommon for graphic designers to be involved in video production, as well. The same can be said for photography.

For those who wish to start their own business as a graphic design professional, it’s possible to brand yourself as a creative specialist. You can offer multiple different design services in the form of photography, video, and conventional graphic design.

Keep this in mind when moving forward so that you can maximize your revenue streams.

Customer Service Representative

Before you panic, many customer service representative positions aren’t like sitting at a call center. You will often work more directly with clients and handle any questions, issues, or concerns that they may have.

You might even be in charge of reaching out to clients on a regular basis and getting them up to speed on various details of their projects. High-level customer service representative positions are more or less account management roles.

As long as you are proactive with handling your obligations, this can prove to be a relatively relaxed remote job.


Those who have a significant amount of experience in a particular industry or niche can leverage this knowledge as a consultant.

Even before remote work became more popular, many consultants which used to run their own online business so that they could expand the number of clients they manage. After all, it’s much easier to handle a large number of client relationships if the majority of your interactions are through virtual meetings.

Although there’s something to be said about forming a connection with somebody in person, driving all over your city or state can quickly become fatiguing.

Cybersecurity Analyst

This is more or less a fancy term for a white hat hacker.

For those who are unaware, a white hat hacker is someone who uses their hacking abilities for good. In contrast, a black hat hacker uses these skills maliciously. A cybersecurity analyst is often tasked with breaching the security protections that clients have in place.

In the event that they are able to do so, they often leave a message that details how they access their data and what they can do to help prevent it in the future.

Finding Remote Working Jobs Is Easier Than Ever

So, keep this in mind if you are looking to work remotely. The above list of remote working jobs can easily help you narrow down your choices and find the one that is ideal for your situation.

Looking for more tips that can help you out later on? Check out the rest of our blog for plenty of more useful information.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]