Role of Textbooks 1

The Role of Textbooks and Syllabus in Education

One of the first things students pack for school are their textbooks. Textbooks are a compilation of all the concepts and topics that students are expected to study in a particular subject or branch of study. The syllabus and textbook guide students through the course material and help them prepare for the exams. In this article, we will explore the role syllabus and textbooks play in education.

Essentials Students Need to Understand the Course

Textbooks and syllabi are essential study resources that guide students through a course. The syllabus outlines the topics that they need to study and the textbooks teach students how to study with detailed explanations and instructions. Of all the study resources available for students to understand the course and pass the exams, textbooks and syllabi are the most important.


Textbooks are essential in education, and they play a significant role in the way students learn. They are the foundation on which students build their knowledge and skills.  Textbooks are created by subject-matter experts at the educational boards after thoroughly researching the syllabus and current learning trends. For example, the SCERT Kerala textbooks. They also take into account the state and central rules and regulations and the student’s learning needs.

These textbooks provide students with detailed information on each topic in the syllabus and help them understand the course material. Additionally, it also provides practice exercises, problems and questions to test their understanding of the concept. These questions and problems are similar to the ones that often appear in exams. This helps students prepare for the exams too.


Syllabi also play an important role in education, as they outline what students are expected to know and be able to do in each subject. It provides students and educators with an opportunity to understand the course goals, which are the topics they’re expected to learn, assignments, exams etc. In addition to this, the syllabus also gives the marks weightage of each chapter, which helps students identify important topics to focus on.

Question Papers

Question papers are another important study resource that every student needs while preparing for exams. Solving previous years’ question papers or sample question papers is a great way to practice writing exams. This helps students understand the exam pattern, the marking scheme, the exam duration and the kinds of questions asked. It also helps students learn to manage their time efficiently and finish answering all the questions within the allotted time.

Another benefit of solving previous years’ question papers and model papers is that students can spot frequently asked questions. This can help them prepare better for the exams and score higher marks. Solving question papers also boosts their confidence and helps them face the exams without fear.

The Importance of Textbooks and Syllabus

Textbooks and syllabi play a vital role in our educational system. They are the foundation on which our learning takes place, and without them, we would not be able to understand the material that we are taught. For example, the Kerala syllabus 8th standard provides an overview of the topics included in the textbook and their weightage. They are often revised to better match the needs of students within a given course or subject area. Additionally, the question papers that appear in the exams are based on the contents in the syllabus and textbooks created by the educational boards. So, referring to the textbooks and syllabus is one of the best ways for students to prepare better for the exams and score well.


Textbooks and syllabi play a vital role in the education process. They help students to understand the material they are learning, and they also provide a framework for teaching that can be adapted to meet the needs of each student. Over time, textbooks and syllabi have become increasingly customised to meet the needs of individual students, which is why it is important for educators to stay up-to-date on new technologies and innovations that can improve how their materials are used.



About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]