Carpets in Home Décor
Carpets in Home Décor

Tips To Clean Carpet Like A Pro

A beautiful carpet adds to the aesthetic appeal of a room and ties it together. A carpet goes through a good deal of wear-and-tear on a daily basis. People often tend to ignore cleaning their carpets regularly by assuming that they won’t be noticed easily. However, that is never the case. Dirty, uneven, and fussy carpets always draw attention and spoil the otherwise immaculate look of a room.

If you have finally gathered the motivation to clean your carpet, here are some important tips that would help you do it like a pro:

Use A Squeegee To Tackle Pet Hair

If you are a pet owner, you must be familiar with the nuisance caused by their hair. Along with couches, carpets are highly susceptible to pet hair. Once stuck, they are often difficult to remove even with a vacuum cleaner. In such cases, a good squeegee would come to your rescue!

Although squeegees are more commonly used for cleaning windows, they are designed to get rid of gunk, frost, and articles that get stuck on carpets after forming thin layers, just like pet hair. Using a little water, you can easily get your carpet rid of pet hair using a small squeegee.

Use Iron To Remove Stains

Cleaning a stained carpet can prove to be one of the most tedious tasks you have ever come across while tending to your room! Especially if you want to get rid of rust from carpet, you can do so with the help of an iron. It is common for carpets to get rusty over time if they come in prolonged contact with metallic objects. Make sure you tackle these stains before they get too notorious.

For removing stains from your carpet, start by vacuuming the affected area. This would help you clear the area from other hard particles, leaving only the stains to be dealt with. Now, prepare a mixture of water and vinegar and rub the same over the stains using a cotton cloth. Let the liquid seep in and do its work for a few minutes.

Finally, put a towel (spare) on top of the stained area and apply pressure on it using a heated iron. The heat and pressure of the iron would result in the stain being transferred onto the towel.

Always Prefer Blotting Over Rubbing

It is common for people to start rubbing the stained areas of their carpets for cleaning them out of their instincts. This may result in the stain getting lighter and spreading to a larger area of the carpet. Incessant rubbing may also spoil the material of your carpet.

Instead, it is preferable to blot the affected area using a cloth mixed with the right solution. Irrespective of the liquid you are using to clean your carpet, blotting would transfer the stains from the carpet to the cloth used for blotting. This is always a better alternative than rubbing stains off your carpet.

Clean Oil Stains Using Baking Soda

If you are figuring out ways to get rid of nasty oil stains off your carpet, the ideal stain remover is right in your kitchen! Instead of cleaning oil stains by dabbing them with hot water, using baking soda allows you to extract oil from your carpet in the best way possible.

To clean your carpet, get some baking soda and sprinkle it on the affected area. Leave the carpet as it is for some time until baking soda absorbs the oil from your carpet. Ultimately, you will be left with a dry crust that can be cleaned easily using a vacuum cleaner. Once you have removed most oil from your carpet, you can resort to the dabbing technique to clean it completely.

Do Not Use Alcohol Or Nail Polish Remover To Remove Nail Polish Stains

It is a common misconception that rubbing your carpet with alcohol or nail polish remover would help you get rid of nail polish stains. Always remember that these liquids are not strong enough to act on most carpets. Moreover, rubbing your carpet will only worsen its surface.

If you have nail polish stains on your carpet, wait for them to dry and chip them off using a blunt tool like a butter knife. Once you have chipped out most dry nail polish, you can dab the area gently using a paper towel. This will help you clean your carpet off nail polish stains without affecting its material.

Use Baking Soda To Freshen Your Carpet

If you want to freshen your carpet up to impress your guests, baking soda would help you do it within minutes. All you need is a bottle of essential oil and some baking soda. Select the areas you want to tend to and add 10-20 drops of the oil (depending on how strong you want the scent to be). Now, sprinkle some baking soda on top and clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner after 5 to 10 minutes. This would give you a fresh and sweet-smelling carpet to impress your guests!

Use An Ice Cube To Fluff Your Carpet

It is common for your carpet to have impressions after lifting a piece of furniture from its surface after a long time. If you want to fluff an area of your carpet, all you need to do is put an ice cube on the surface and let it melt.

Once the ice has melted, you can blot the water using a clean towel and iron the area well. Once the fibres of your carpet are completely dry, they can be easily fluffed using your hands. This will help you get rid of the impressions and make your carpet look as good as new.

The Final Word

These were some of the most important tips to keep in mind for cleaning your carpet like a pro. Irrespective of the dust or stain you are dealing with, always make sure that you get rid of the same before it is too late.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]