
Understanding the 6.6 kW Solar System and its Benefits

The Australian solar panel market has not only grown but has always seen a shift in demand for solar system size. Earlier homeowners used to prefer 3kW and 5kW panels. Now, most people opt for a 6.6kW solar system in Brisbane.

Moreover, buying a solar system is now easier than before. Factors like low pricing, government incentives and tariffs make them affordable. All these factors have added to the popularity of the 6.6kW solar system in homes.

But what makes this system so different and unique? Well, if you are wondering the same, we can help you with it. We have covered everything in this article which will help you understand the 6.6 kW Solar System and its benefits.

What makes a 6.6 kW solar system?

Nowadays, solar panels offer better efficiency and more output. Due to that, you can easily find solar panels ranging from 300 to 400 watts per panel. The solar system size is determined by the total number of panels you will use multiplied by its capacity/output in watts. For example, if we use a 330 watts panel, we need around 20 such panels(this data is taken from the information provided in below image) to achieve a 6.6kW solar system.

How much energy can it generate?

If we talk about the Australian market, 1kW of solar panels generate around 4 kWh of energy per day. It means each kW is capable of producing 4 kWh of electricity. So if you install a 6.6kW solar system, you will generate around 6.6kW solar panel x 4 kW of solar energy = 26.4kWh of energy.

But the energy output can vary depending on the weather conditions. On a sunny day, you can enjoy the maximum output of a solar system in Brisbane, while on a cloudy day, the output can reduce due to limited sunlight reaching the solar panels.

6.6 kW solar system and 5 kW inverter

An Australian home requires around 20 kW/h energy per day on average. A 6kW solar system that generates 17 to 27 kW/h of energy is ideal to power your home. You can invest in a solar inverter and battery to save more.

The inverter capacity (kW) relies on federal incentives known as Small Scale Technology Certificates (STCs). STC schemes allow the installer to oversize the inverter capacity with panels by 33%. This rule applies to Clean Energy Council and the electricity distributor.

However, most territories don’t allow the homeowner to install an inverter above 5kW power. Yet, combining this 5kW inverter with a 6.6kW solar system in Brisbane works effectively.

It will generate more power than a 5kW inverter with a 5kW system because of weather conditions. Also, you will enjoy maximum STCs on the 5kW inverter.

Benefits of Installing a 6.6kW solar system

1.       Can power bigger appliances

A 6.6 kW solar system can provide enough power to run heavy appliances like dryers, AC or heaters. So you can keep your home cool on hot summer days and warm on chilly days easily. Also, a 6.6kW solar system can be used to charge the battery of your electric vehicle.

2.     Big Savings

A 6.6 kW solar system can generate an average of 20kW/h to 27kW/h energy per day and up to 30kW. It can easily power an average home and help save money on monthly electricity bills. Moreover, combining it with an inverter and battery will reduce your bill size to zero. You can even generate extra energy to store for emergencies or earn money by sending it back to the grid.

3.     Works perfectly with 5kW inverters

Most 6.6kW solar systems in Brisbane come with a 5kW inverter. It means you don’t need to spend extra money upgrading your inverter as you can overpower it. This way, you can enjoy maximum profit from STC incentives. It will also lower the cost per watt of your solar system.

4.    Shorter payback period

Rising electricity prices and federal government rebates have made solar energy immensely popular in Australia. And getting a high-quality solar system can help you through a quicker return on investment. An average 6.6 kW solar system in Brisbane offers a payback period of 3-4 years. You can even decrease this period by maximising the use of the solar system.

Cost of a 6.6kW solar system in Australia

With the numerous brands available in Australia, you should expect to pay $5,500-$10,000 on a 6.6kW solar system. However, the solar system price can vary depending on the brand, state or territories, and quality of components; here is the average pricing of different cities.


Cities Price
Adelaide $6,782
Brisbane $6,848
Melbourne $6,849
Perth $6,584
Sydney $6,650


A 6.6kW solar system is one of the best options you can find on the market. With perfect size and maximum efficiency, it offers great value for money. Enjoy a sufficient power supply for your home without worrying about rising electricity prices and bills.

Make the best of your solar energy investment.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]