Wedding Preparation Guide for Bride and Groom

Wedding Preparation Guide for Bride and Groom


Planning a wedding is no easy task. It takes a lot of time and effort to ensure that your day goes smoothly, so we’ve created this guide to help make the process easier. By following these steps, you will have everything you need to plan your dream wedding.

Plan a wedding budget

Once you have decided on the location, venue, and other details of your dream wedding, it’s time to create a budget. You should start by listing all the costs – whether they be big or small – that are involved in throwing a memorable wedding. It may be daunting at first but once you get started, it will become easier and less stressful.

Once you’ve made a list of every expense including invitations, bridesmaids’ dresses, cake, and flowers it’s time to decide what you are willing to spend on each item. Once everything has been added up divide this figure by two so one person doesn’t end up paying for everything!

You should also decide on the guest list at this point so that there aren’t any surprises later down the line when it comes time for RSVPs from friends who were expecting an invite but didn’t receive one (and vice versa).

Once all these things have been decided upon then go ahead and book everything! This can be done either online or over the phone depending on where/how much each vendor charges respectively but don’t forget about prices varying depending on different times during the year (i.e., Valentine’s Day vs Christmas).

Get a white gold diamond ring

White gold like this 18ct white gold diamond ring is a great choice for a wedding ring. It’s a very popular choice and you won’t have to worry about getting something that no one else has. Whether you want a traditional-looking wedding ring or not, white gold is perfect. You can also keep your engagement ring with your new white gold diamond band so they don’t get separated.

Pattern Tuxedo

If you’re planning a wedding and have decided to wear a pattern tuxedo, you probably want to know what it is and how to wear it properly. A tuxedo is a formal suit worn by men that features satin-striped pants and a matching waistcoat, as well as a long jacket with tails. It usually has peak lapels (wide pointed edges) at the front of the jacket, two or four buttons on each sleeve, and may have peaked cuffs on its sleeves as well. The pants are pleated at the front hips (and sometimes also at the rear).

The basic color for most tuxedos is black or midnight blue; however other colors such as gray can be used for wedding parties when necessary. Trousers come in different shades of black: light grayish-blue; charcoal gray; dark blue; midnight blue; navy blue etc., depending upon which one best matches your skin tone when combined with other clothing items such as shoes and ties/cravats). For example: If dark-colored shoes are worn with lighter-colored trousers then they should match closely in hue so that there isn’t an obvious contrast between them (like wearing white sneakers with brown khaki pants).

Music band

You will want to choose a band that is compatible with your style and tastes. You can do this by watching videos of their performances, reading reviews, and requesting references from other clients. You’ll also want to make sure that the band has a good reputation and has been around for a while. This ensures that they will be able to provide you with high-quality services on your wedding day.

Finally, your band must have the right equipment for your venue so as not to ruin its ambiance or disturb other guests who are trying to enjoy themselves during the party. A live band should have microphones and speakers at least equal in quality to those used in recording studios and they should have a music also; they should also have amplifiers capable of projecting sound far enough away from them so as not to be drowned out by background noise caused by other guests talking amongst themselves while they’re having fun within earshot distance (about 30 feet).


A wedding scrapbook pages is a perfect way to remember the special moments of your wedding. You can make it as simple or as elaborate as you please, and you can DIY scrapbooking by buying a high-quality supplies with various choice of colors like this scrapbooking supplies. So,  a scrapbook will be a fun activity for you and your bridal party.

Scrapbooking can help you to remember all of those important details about your wedding day: who was there, what they wore, how everyone looked, what was said, and when it happened. It’s also great practice in putting together an album that tells a story and that if someone wants an invite 20 years from now they will want more than just photos.

Schedule an engagement shot

You’ll want to schedule an engagement shoot with your photographer. This is a great opportunity for the two of you to get comfortable in front of the camera and develop a rapport with your photographer so that going into your wedding day, you feel relaxed and confident in their abilities. It also gives them time to showcase their creativity and find out what kind of images they like before they have to deal with all the distractions on their big day.

It may seem early but securing good photos that can be used for save-the-dates, wedding invitations, thank you cards, etc., will make it easier on everyone involved later down the line when those tasks come up.

Make a guest list

You should invite the people you want to be there, but make sure to include your parents and siblings. You can also add in some of your best friends if you want. If you have grandparents that are still alive, it’s good to invite them as well.

Book a venue

Choosing a venue is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. There are many things to consider, such as whether your guests will be able to travel easily and how much your budget can afford. Here are some tips for choosing the best wedding venue for you:

  • Choose a venue based on your guest list and style of wedding. If this is going to be an intimate gathering with only family members, maybe an outdoor park or backyard would be better than something like an upscale hotel ballroom. On the other hand, if there are more than 100 people expected at your wedding reception then finding a large venue that has enough room might be more important than keeping it private and intimate.
  • Book a venue that fits within your budget without sacrificing quality or style too much (if possible). You don’t want someone else picking out all of these decisions for you.

Pick a venue based on your guest list and style

Now that you have a guest list and you are ready to start booking the venue, it’s time to think about your style! You need a venue that matches your style. Consider what type of wedding or event you want and choose a venue that is appropriate for the number of guests you are having. A beach wedding might not be appropriate if it rains every day in July when they hold weddings. This can happen more often than most people realize!

If you’re having an indoor reception hall wedding, consider choosing one with lots of windows so guests can see outside while they eat their meal and dance to their favorite songs during the evening part of your reception (also known as dancing).

Book the officiant

Based on the location of your wedding, some legal requirements need to be met by your officiant. The best way to ensure you have chosen a qualified officiant is to call your state’s Department of Health and Social Services (or equivalent) and ask about their requirements for performing weddings. They should be able to give you information about what documents and licenses are required at no charge or will direct you to where else you can find this information online or over the phone.

Once you know what type of ceremony will suit your needs and desires (more on this later), you will want to start thinking about who might be willing and able to perform it for you! In addition to being licensed by the state where they live, most officiants have experience performing wedding ceremonies; some of them even specialize in certain types of ceremonies such as interfaith weddings or same-sex weddings if that fits within their religious beliefs. Some officiants charge a fee while others do not; regardless, make sure that whoever performs your ceremony has enough time available on your wedding day because sometimes unforeseen issues might arise during rehearsal day which could cause them not to be present when needed most! If possible try scheduling more than one meeting with potential candidates before making final decisions so there is time left over after booking someone if unexpected problems arise later down line such as sicknesses etc.

Choose your wedding party

Choosing your wedding party is a very personal decision that can be difficult to make. The most important thing to remember when selecting your bridesmaids and groomsmen is that they should be people you are comfortable with, who can help you keep the day organized, and who will support both of you throughout the planning process.

Another consideration when choosing your attendants is their relationship with each other. If there are any friendships or family ties among them, consider whether it would make more sense for one person to serve as an attendant rather than two separate people sharing responsibilities in a dual role.

Shop for your wedding dress

When it comes to choosing your dress, you can’t go wrong with a good ol’ wedding shop. There are just some things that no one else can give you like helping you into and out of dresses, giving advice, and answering questions about the gowns in front of you. Bridal shops also offer a wide array of styles, so take advantage of this resource!

When trying on dresses, make sure they fit your style and body type so that when it comes time for the big day, nothing will stand in the way between you and looking fabulous. The dress should be comfortable enough so that moving around won’t be difficult but elegant enough to make everyone take notice when walking down the aisle towards your soon-to-be husband. Now is also a great time to seek out advice from friends or family who have been through this process before; they can offer tips on where they found their dress or what they wish they would’ve done differently during the planning stages (don’t forget about accessories like veils & shoes!).

Prenup shoot for Bride and Groom

A prenup shoot is a great way to get comfortable in front of the camera, as well as get to know your photographer. This is a great time for you and your partner to spend some quality time together before the wedding. It’s also a good idea if you’re planning on having an intimate ceremony because it will help you feel more relaxed on your big day.

You can do this at any time before or after the wedding date—even after! If you want to take some photos with just your partner or spouse, then schedule an appointment with them during their lunch break (or even during work hours).

Develop a Day-of Timeline

Developing a day-of timeline is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your wedding day goes smoothly.

The day may be long and stressful, but this is where the planning begins to come together—once you have your timeline in place and have made sure everyone knows it (including vendors), everything will go more smoothly. It’s also essential that you have all of your supplies ready for the big day. You don’t want someone scrambling around looking for their veil at the last minute!

If something does go wrong or there’s some unexpected delay, everyone involved must remain flexible and adaptable so everyone stays cool under pressure. One good way to make sure this happens is by delegating tasks among friends and family members who are supportive this will help spread out any anxiety among attendees while helping keep things on track.


We hope this list of tips has helped you start planning your big day. Remember, not every detail needs to be decided in advance, so if there’s something that still needs clarification, don’t be afraid to ask someone else for help. And remember that there are no rules on how much time it takes to plan a wedding – it will take as long as it takes! But with these steps, we’re confident you’ll make great progress toward creating memories and traditions with your partner for years (or maybe even decades) to come.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]