Building Muscle

Weighing In on Whey Protein: The Benefits Other Than Building Muscle

When you think of whey protein, its use as a muscle-building supplement probably comes to mind. While it’s true that whey protein is an excellent tool for promoting muscle growth, there are many more benefits of adding this supplement to your health regimen.

Because whey protein is such a widely used supplement, many scientific studies have been done on it to learn about its nutritional properties and health benefits. And we’re here to share those findings with you!

Read on to learn everything you need to know about whey protein and how it can benefit you.

A High-Quality Source of Protein

If you’re considering adding whey protein to your diet but find yourself asking “well, what is whey protein?” Good! You should know exactly what you’re putting into your body, especially with supplements.

During cheese production, a liquid known as whey is separated from milk. The protein portion of this substance is whey protein. It’s a complete protein, containing all of the essential amino acids, and is easily digested by your body.

In fact, it’s one of the best dietary sources of protein out there!

Aids Weight Loss Efforts

When you’re trying to lose weight, your diet is about 90% of the battle. Yes, regular physical activity is important, but what you use to fuel your body can make or break your weight loss efforts.

An ideal diet is made up of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and carbs, and, you guessed it, protein. Now, protein is great for boosting fat loss because it suppresses your appetite, boosts your metabolism, and promotes muscle growth, which burns more calories than fat.

However, it’s important to note that you can overdo it. Your body can only use so much protein in a day, and consuming it in excess can lead to digestive problems and weight gain. The best whey protein, such as iso protein powder, will have dosage instructions on the packaging, helping you to ensure that you don’t take too much.

Reduces Frequency of Hunger

As mentioned above, whey protein helps to suppress your appetite, causing you to eat less. This is because protein is the most filling of all the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fat).

To make it even more effective, whey protein has been found to have a greater filling effect than other sources of protein, such as soy and casein.

The key to weight loss isn’t to starve yourself but to eat fewer calories than you burn. This is known as the energy balance equation. If your energy balance is positive, you’ll gain weight. A negative energy balance means weight loss.

Adding whey protein to your diet will help you achieve this negative energy balance.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States? Yes, heart disease makes up an astounding 25% of deaths in America.

One of the major risk factors for heart disease is poor diet habits. Specifically, consuming a diet that leads to high LDL cholesterol. A healthy diet includes plenty of high-quality protein, but whey protein is thought to actually reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body.

Assists with Antioxidant Defenses

Antioxidants are extremely important for your health and quality of life. They protect you from a number of diseases, including cancer, by counteracting oxidation in your body. There are many antioxidants, but one of the most important is glutathione.

Glutathione is produced by your body naturally, however, it needs a few ingredients to do so. One ingredient that’s often lacking is cysteine, an amino acid. Thankfully, whey protein contains a high amount of cysteine, which boosts your body’s production of glutathione and ultimately strengthens its defenses against chronic disease.

Reduces Inflammation

Another benefit of antioxidants that they reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation occurs when your body is responding to damage and can be beneficial in small doses. However, chronic inflammation is harmful and can lead to a variety of diseases.

Underlying health problems, poor diet, and other bad lifestyle habits can all result in chronic inflammation. Because whey protein aids in antioxidant production, it can reduce levels of C-reactive protein. This is a substance made by your liver that’s meant to be helpful but can cause damage in high amounts.

Treats Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is another chronic disease that is all too common in the United States. It’s a result of chronic high blood sugar reducing the effectiveness of the insulin in your body. Whey protein assists in the moderation of blood sugar levels, as it increases your insulin levels and your body’s sensitivity to it.

Protein, in general, has this effect, but whey protein has the biggest impact of them all. To maximize the effects, take whey protein powder before or with a meal high in healthy carbohydrates.

Lowers Bood Pressure

In addition to lowering your blood sugar, whey protein can also lower your blood pressure. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is among the leading causes of heart disease.

Remember, whey protein is derived from milk, and the consumption of dairy products has been linked to a reduction in blood pressure. This is because dairy products, whey protein included, contain ACE-inhibitors. These ACE-inhibitors work to lower systolic blood pressure.

Add Whey Protein to Your Diet Today

As beneficial as whey protein can be, remember that you should always consult your physician before adding any new supplement to your diet. This is especially true if you’re lactose intolerant, or have ever had kidney or liver problems.

With the green light from your doctor, you can begin enjoying the powerful benefits of whey protein for weight loss today.

For more health and fitness advice, be sure to take a look at our blog!

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]