IT Manager

What Is an IT Manager and How Can One Help Your Business?

There are over 461,000 Information Technology (or IT) managers working in the United States today, and the field is growing rapidly. Lots of businesses are hiring IT managers, and they’re not showing any signs of stopping.

Have you ever thought about working with this kind of professional? Do you have questions like “What is an IT manager?” or “How can managed IT support help my business?”

If so, keep reading. Explained below is everything you need to know about Managed IT and the benefits it has to offer.

What Is an IT Manager?

IT managers are responsible for overseeing all aspects of a business’s electronic networks. They also lead the IT department and help to fulfill all of the company’s unique information systems needs. This includes selecting the appropriate software and hardware, updating servers, and seeking out electronic support systems that can improve productivity and help businesses and workers to achieve their goals.

Some IT managers work in-house as full-time employees, whereas others are hired on a contract basis to support the company’s IT needs from afar. In these cases, the IT manager is often part of a larger managed IT service agency.

Benefits of Using a Managed IT Service

There are lots of reasons to consider outsourcing IT support to a managed IT service. When you work with a dedicated IT manager, you and your team get to enjoy all kinds of benefits, including the following:

Lower, More Predictable Costs

Often, when you outsource IT management, you get to enjoy lower and more predictable costs.

Hiring a full-time, in-house IT manager can get expensive. When you outsource to a third-party agency, though, it often costs far less for you to get the same (if not better) results.

By outsourcing, you also know exactly what you’re paying each month, quarter, etc. You just have to keep track of a flat fee and don’t have to worry about fluctuating costs.

Easier Scaling

Outsourcing IT management can help you to scale your business faster and more easily, too.

When you have fewer costs, it’s often easier to expand your business, from the specific services you offer to the number of additional employees you can bring on. If you’re looking to make a decision that will help your company to grow now and in the future, outsourcing IT management is a great option to consider.

Reduced Server Downtime and Fewer Technical Issues

IT managers don’t just save you money and help you grow your business. They also help you to eliminate technical issues like server downtime, which can eat into your bottom line and create a lot of headaches for your customers.

IT managers are dedicated to keeping all technical aspects of your business running smoothly. They don’t have to worry about juggling these responsibilities with other responsibilities of being a full-time employee, which means they can often provide better results.

Prioritize Prevention

The best IT managers take a preventative approach to IT work. They don’t just address problems after they’ve gone wrong. They also do everything they can to prevent problems from arising in the first place. If you believe in the adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” then you need to look into hiring an IT manager.

Work with Experts

Outsourcing your IT needs to a managed IT services agency gives you a chance to work with experts who are familiar with the latest tools and technology.

IT managers are dedicated to understanding the ins and outs of the IT world, and they make it a priority to keep up with the newest trends and techniques. This means your business gets to enjoy a higher level of IT support and is always on the cutting edge of the most recent developments.

How to Find the Right IT Project Manager

Are you convinced that working with an IT manager is the right call? Are you unsure of how to find the best person for the job? If so, here are some tips to help you narrow down your search:

Ask About Past Experience

Find out what kinds of businesses this particular IT manager or agency has worked with in the past. Do they (or at least some members of their team) have experience working with companies like yours?

Request References

It’s always a good idea to request references, too. Any IT manager worth hiring will have plenty of references they can share with you, and they won’t have any qualms about doing so. If they hesitate, that could be a red flag and a sign that they don’t have as much experience as you think.

Once you’ve received a list of references, be sure to reach out to them. Ask about the past customers’ experiences and find out whether or not they’d recommend working with this manager or managed services provider again.

Review Their List of Services

Always look over the company’s list of services, too.

Do they offer everything you need to keep your business up and running? Is there anything you need that you don’t see listed? If so, ask about it before you agree to partner with them.

Consider Fees

Find out how much the company charges for their services and how their fee structure works. For example, do they charge a flat monthly fee? Can you pay quarterly or yearly instead of monthly?

Read Contracts with Care

The experts at recommend reading the contract with care before you sign anything, too. This ensures you don’t get hit with any unpleasant surprises later.

Start Working with an IT Manager Today

After reading through this article, you can likely answer questions like “What is an IT manager?” with ease. Now that you know more about what they do and how they can help your business, are you ready to invest in an IT asset management agency?

Keep the tips listed above in mind so you can choose the right management agency for the job. Check out the Business section of our site, too, for more advice on how you can best utilize outsourcing and level up your company.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]