What Leg Pain and Numbness Might Mean

Leg pain varies from a burning sensation and throbbing to a dull ache, and numbness manifests as an icy and cold feeling and the loss of sensation in the leg.

Leg pain and numbness are often signs of an underlying condition. Therefore, it is vital to get the correct diagnosis from pain management physicians for effective treatment. The beauty of the digital era is that you can find anything online, be it casino games just through Jackpot Casino login or causes of leg pain. Online resources could help you narrow down on what may be the cause of your pain and numbness, and you make plans to visit a doctor.

Here are some of the conditions that may be responsible for your leg pain.

  1. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) affects the legs when arteries narrow or block, cutting blood supply to your limbs. The narrowing of the blood vessels is often a result of the buildup of fatty plaque. The main symptoms include pain when walking, shiny skin, discolored feet, decreased pulse, and sores in the legs that don’t heal.

The risk factors for developing PAD include high cholesterol levels, age above 60 years, smoking, and high blood pressure to mention a few. PAD is diagnosed through the ankle-brachial index (ABI) and imaging tests like magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).

  1. Peripheral Neuropathy

This type of nerve damage causes pain, numbness, and weakness that mainly affects the hands and feet.

Suppose leg pain and numbness result from peripheral neuropathy; the patient will experience symptoms such as muscle weakness, extreme sensitivity to touch, sharp pain, pain during activities like walking, and in severe cases, paralysis.

The condition’s risk factors include kidney disorders, family history, repetitive motion, alcohol misuse, and autoimmune diseases. Diagnosis is made through nerve function tests like Electromyography (EMG), blood tests to detect blood deficiencies and imaging tests like MRI and CT scans.

  1. Sciatica

This is pain caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve, which is also the most expansive and longest nerve in the human body. Leg pain can result from a pinched nerve caused by a slipped herniated disk.

The main symptom of sciatica is pain, numbness, and a tingling sensation in the feet. Sciatica is often a result of slipped disk, spine injury, infection, spondylolisthesis, and lumbar spinal stenosis. The risk factors include age, sedentary lifestyle, and professions that require heavy lifting.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most common test used by physicians to diagnose sciatica. Doctors may also do a physical exam to evaluate your reflexes and muscle strength.

  1. Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Tarsal tunnel syndrome may also be a cause of leg pain and numbness. Pain caused by this condition is usually felt at the sole of the foot, inside the ankle, and the tibial nerve. The symptoms are pain that feels like pins and needles, a burning sensation, electric shock, or sharp shooting pain.

Often the symptoms get worse when you indulge in physical activity. Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a condition that results from repeated pressure which causes damage to the posterior tibial nerve. Other causes include severely flat feet, which can stretch the nerve.

In some patients, it may be compression by varicose veins formed around the membrane that surrounds the tibial nerve. Inflammation caused by arthritis, trauma or injury, and diabetes can also cause the condition.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed through Tinel’s test, where the physician taps the tibial nerve to assess if it results in pain. The doctor may also inquire about a history of injury to the area and examine your foot and ankle. Sometimes, additional tests like electromyography which is used to diagnose nerve dysfunction.

Sometimes growth may cause the condition, and therefore, your doctor may order an MRI to detect if a bony growth is the cause of the condition. If left untreated, the condition can cause permanent nerve damage. Treatment options for Tarsal tunnel syndrome include surgery, steroid injections, and anti-inflammatory medications.

  1. Frostbite

Frostbite is one of the conditions that cause leg pain. It is often underestimated and could cause permanent injury to your body tissues. Frostbite results from prolonged exposure to cold water or weather. When frostbite takes place, parts of your body freeze, damaging the cells and tissues.

Symptoms of leg pain caused by frostbite may include redness, blisters, a feeling of pins and needles, numbness, loss of coordination, and swelling.

Severe frostbite can cause permanent side effects. It could cause nerve damage resulting in numbness, pain, and sweating. You could also end up with frostbite arthritis, a condition that can last years.

If a doctor suspects your leg pain and numbness results from frostbite, some tests will be recommended. One of them is a physical assessment of the affected areas accompanied by questions regarding how long you have stayed in the cold.

Depending on the severity, imaging tests such as X-rays can be conducted. Emergency medical assistance is recommended if you are experiencing symptoms of the second and third stages of frostbite. Surgery may be necessary for the removal of dead skin. Amputation surgery may also be required to remove parts with dead tissue.

Treatment For Leg Pain and Numbness

Leg pain is a common condition caused by underlying conditions like Peripheral Artery Disease and natural wear and tear. The pain may vary from mild and moderate and severe. The best treatment cause is getting the correct diagnosis for your pain specialist to recommend the ideal treatment.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]