Which Businesses Need Database Services

Which Businesses Need Database Services?

Databases are becoming more popular due to Cloud computing. Research firm Gartner states that by the end of 2022, 75% of all databases will be hosted on the Cloud.

Modern applications like Amazon’s DynamoDB scale with all sizes of businesses to host their data. Google BigQuery offers large-scale data analytics. While reputable databases like SQL Server now work on Azure for any company to utilize.

The question is, which businesses need database services in 2021?

Read on to learn about the types of database services available. Discover the answer to who do database services help? And learn why your company needs to fully research the developer team you choose before committing.

What Are Database Services?

A database organizes information together to make it more accessible.

Businesses use them to hold customer data, product descriptions, stock levels, and to sell online. Apps can connect to the database to produce invoices, expense reports, or track sales. Staff can update or add information or remove or archive older data that’s no longer required.

Yet planning, installing, and managing a database isn’t a simple task.

That’s why firms hire a team of experts to manage these database services for them. Their role is to ensure that the lifeblood of the company, their data, keeps flowing at all times.

Types of Database Services Available

Businesses of all sizes and types require a range of database services including:

  • Database architecture design and implementation
  • Upgrade to the latest version
  • Cloning and data refresh
  • Business data analytics consultancy and reporting
  • Monitoring and support

The introduction of Cloud-based platforms has only added to this list.

Migrating data from an on-premises database to AWS or another Cloud provider requires careful planning. The new system must be set up and optimized before the information gets transferred. Large data files require special treatment as two platforms will run in parallel with each other.

Who Needs Database Services?

Every business industry type requires assistance to create and maintain their data.

For example, the private health sector records patient information on a secure system. This requires HIPAA compliance which regulates the security and safety of confidential data. Developers must follow all applicable laws while handling these records.

Financial businesses need a continuous stream of statistical data so they use a Cloud-based database.

Their mobile and web apps link to the online backend platform to access time-critical information. If the service goes down then their customers will move elsewhere. Setting that system up and monitoring it for issues are critical database services.

Architects and video editors need to store and share large datasets with remote teams. They use Cloud databases to collaborate together. That requires a detailed operations strategy.

One tip before you rush in and hire a database development team is to research them thoroughly. Read more here for advice on recruitment.

More Tips on Database Services

There are many reasons to use database services like pre-planning and implementation.

Choosing the wrong type of database can cause serious issues later on. Ignoring regulations or adding poor security measures can also have major repercussions.

Even when a database is set up it requires monitoring and updating. The business type doesn’t matter, they just need their systems to work at all times.

You can discover more tips on database services in our technology section. Bookmark the site and remember to share this article on social media.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of https://hammburg.com/. For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]