Acne-Prone Skin

Which Foods To Avoid For Acne-Prone Skin?

When a pimple suddenly appears, we sometimes nod at food. Maybe it arose because of a slice of chocolate that a friend treated? Or the sweet and fragrant bun you ate for dessert? Or maybe the fatty food that is fed in the eatery near work is to blame for everything?

Social surveys of 2016 show that many people are convinced that nutrition plays a major role in the cause of acne. 71% of respondents were sure that fried or fatty foods contribute to acne. In contrast, others believe that acne on the face and body appear because of dairy products, chocolate, and carbonated drinks.

Patients of cosmetologists and dermatologists often say that they excluded certain foods or even entire groups of foods from their menu. This is because nutrition can provoke acne, and the latest research also prove it.

How Does Diet Affect The Skin?

Acne appears when the pores of the skin clog with dead cells, as well as natural pollution. This is a fertile environment for the life of harmful bacteria, so the addition of an infection is just a matter of time. In many ways, blockage of pores is facilitated by excessive production of sebaceous secretion.

It is natural lubrication of the skin that prevents it from drying out and dehydration. This, in turn, leads to the development of inflammatory processes and the formation of acne and other types of damage. The first appearance of skin rashes often coincides with the onset of puberty.

During this time, the body produces a hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Studies suggest that IGF-1 may increase the amount of sebum produced by the skin and thereby worsen acne symptoms. Certain foods are known to increase IGF-1 levels in the body, so cutting them out of the menu can help keep skin clearer.

Foods to Limit

Here is the list of food you must avoid.

1.      Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages cause extreme dehydration in the body but do not directly cause acne. However, it causes hormonal imbalance in the body, leading to acne. Thus, it is important to cut off the alcohol from your diet for healthier skin. Apart from causing acne, excess consumption of alcohol causes the skin to age faster.

Those who want to stay young and have acne-free skin must get help to quit alcoholism. You can even contact the best rehab centers in the US and choose the one that meets your requirement. Getting sober will improve not only your skin’s beauty but will also bring positive changes to your overall health.

2.      Products With Refined Carbohydrates

A 2012 study by the Department of Dermatology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University in Turkey showed that people who frequently eat foods with added sugars have a 30% increased risk of acne and those who lean on pastries and cakes – by 20%.

And while experts warn that more research is needed, they advise keeping a sense of proportion with the following products:

  • Bread, crackers, white flour products
  • White flour pasta
  • White rice and rice noodles
  • Carbonated drinks, especially sweetened ones
  • Foods containing sweeteners such as cane sugar, maple syrup, honey or agave syrup

3.      Dairy Products

Many studies show a link between dairy consumption and skin deterioration. So, according to the latest data, young people who drink milk regularly are four times more likely to suffer from acne. However, all the studies done so far only show a correlation between milk and acne. Scientists don’t yet know exactly how milk contributes to acne, but there are several theories:

  • Milk raises the level of insulin in the blood, which in turn leads to a worsening of acne symptoms
  • Milk contains amino acids that stimulate the body to produce more IGF-1.

We need more research to determine the mechanism of influence. We also need the exact amount and type of dairy products that worsen skin conditions.

4.      Fast Foods

Fast food items such as hamburgers, nuggets, hot dogs, French fries, sodas and milkshakes are a typical part of the Western style of eating. According to scientists, they increase the risk of acne. A study of 5,000 teenagers and young adults found that a high-fat diet increased the likelihood of acne by 43%. And a study of 2,300 men showed that frequent consumption of hamburgers and sausages was associated with a 24% increased risk of skin breakouts.

5.      Chocolate And Products Containing It

The first suspicions that chocolate contributed to the deterioration of the skin appeared in the 1920s. But until now, this topic has been a subject of controversy between scientists. Although several studies linked eating chocolate to an increased likelihood of acne, they have not been enough to say for sure that it is chocolate that causes new breakouts on the skin.

For example, a 2016 study showed that acne-prone men who consumed 25 grams of dark chocolate daily had an increase in acne after just two weeks. And another study showed that men who took 100% cocoa powder daily had more skin lesions after just a week.

6.      Whey Protein

Whey protein is a popular food supplement in many countries around the world. It is especially popular among people who are professionally involved in sports. This supplement contains two important substances – leucine and glutamine.

According to studies, these amino acids cause skin cells to grow and divide faster. This, in turn, can contribute to the formation of acne (dead cells clog pores). Several targeted studies reported a clear relationship between whey protein intake and acne in male athletes.

7.      Foods You Are Sensitive To

Analyzing the diet of people suffering from acne, doctors and scientists suggested that acne is an inherently inflammatory disease. This theory is supported by the fact that anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., corticosteroids) are effective treatments for severe acne. In addition, patients suffering from this disease tend to have elevated levels of white blood cells.

Scientists suggest that one of the reasons for the activation of inflammatory processes in the body may be food sensitivity to certain foods. This is now one of the most promising areas for research to understand how diet and the immune system affect the development of acne.

We are hopeful that now you know which foods cause more harm to your skin by causing acne. Thus, limit their consumption if you want to have healthy and beautiful skin.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]