Create Backups Of Your WhatsApp Data

Why Is It Important To Create Backups Of Your WhatsApp Data [2021]

In a world where there are so many types of malicious attacks such as malware, viruses, spyware, and keyloggers, millions of people are losing control of their WhatsApp data every year. Hackers are always looking to gain illegal access to people’s WhatsApp business accounts. With over 5.4 million WhatsApp business accounts out there, it is evident that people are becoming more and more reliant on using WhatsApp to conduct business. As soon as hackers gain access to your files, they might steal them or destroy them, and that means you will lose all your precious messages, images, voice messages, attachments, etc. Sometimes the attachments could include valuable information such as your bank account statements that you wanted to send to your accountant. Losing access to your WhatsApp data can be a huge problem. During an attack, transferring your data to your backup android device would not be possible because you might not even have the time to learn how to transfer whatsapp from iphone to android.

How to avoid losing data?

So what can you do against all these threats? That’s easy. Backup whatsapp messages and media files and store them in multiple places. Using this way, you will always have a copy of your data. You can use the backup file to restore all your WhatsApp data to your device in just a few minutes. The best part is a backup can be used as a 2nd storage device, especially when your phone is low on memory. As soon as you free up space on your phone, you can immediately bring back all the data from the backup file stored on your computer.

How to backup your WhatsApp data?

There is numerous 3rd party data backup software available on the internet. Still, the problem is these companies typically don’t invest in developing the latest firmware that is used to recognize and adapt to your respective device. As a result, your backup file will have lots of inaccuracies, especially because of the unrecognized file formats used by your device.

This is more common when your device is using an older version of iOS/Android. For these reasons, we decided to find a backup software that has support for every single iOS and Android version that your device could use.

What is Wondershare DrFone – WhatsApp Transfer?

· Transfer all your WhatsApp Chats between Android and iOS

· Transfer all your WhatsApp Business Chats between Android and iOS

· Quickly Backup and Restore WhatsApp Business & WhatsApp

· Backup LINE/Viber/Kik/WeChat Chat History

  1. Backup all your WhatsApp data (chat history, media files, voice notes, and avatars) to your PC

DrFone WhatsApp Transfer allows you to seamlessly backup all your WhatsApp data within a few minutes, thanks to its blazing-fast data transfer speeds. Here’s a step by step guide that you can use right now to quickly backup all your WhatsApp data to your PC: Step 1: Go to Wondershare DrFone and download the software. Then click on WhatsApp transfer after you launch the application.

Step 2:  Select Backup WhatsApp messages.

Step 3: Grab a USB cable to connect your Android/iOS device to your computer.

Step 4: Wait for DrFone to securely and precisely backup all the data from your device. Turn off auto-backup from your WhatsApp settings.

Step 5:  If the backup was done successfully, you should be able to see this screen.

Step 6: Congratulations! You will now have a list of all the backups that you have done in the past.

What if a file got damaged because of a data failure or a cyber-attack?

Sorry to hear about your corrupted file. But don’t worry, DrFone has a sister software called Wondershare RepairIt specializing in restoring any media files such as a photo or a video file. RepairIt first analyses your file and will then try to repair it regardless of how much damage has been done to it. Here’s how you can fix your corrupted file in just a few minutes:

Step 1: Download and launch the Wondershare RepairIt tool. then add the corrupted video/photo file

Step 2: After you have the correct file selected, hit the repair button.

Step 3: After a few minutes DrFone will be done analyzing and repairing your damaged file.

Step 4: As soon as the file has been successfully repaired, you should be able to see the following message:

  1.  Restore your data to your device

Step 1: Go to Wondershare DrFone and download the software. Then click on WhatsApp transfer after you launch the application.

Step 2: Grab a USB cable to connect your Android/iOS device to your computer.

Step 3: After you hit the restore button, you should be able to find the list of backups stored on your computer.

Step 4: Wait a few minutes as DrFone analyses your backup file.

Step 5: After the analysis is done, you will be able to pick the exact files you would like to restore.

  1.  Quickly Transfer all your important data from one device to another

In case of a cyber attack, it’s best to move all your data to your backup device. Here’s how Wondershare DrFone Whatsapp Transfer gets the job done:

Step 1: Go to Wondershare DrFone and download the software. Then click on WhatsApp transfer after you launch the application.

Step 2:  Select the Transfer WhatsApp messages button.

Step 3: Grab a USB cable to connect the damaged device and the backup device.

Step 4: You should find the connected icon if you have successfully connected both devices.

Step 5: DrFone is now transferring your data and should be done in a few minutes.

Step 6: As soon as it is done you should be able to see this screen and find all your data on the new device.


We hope you now understand the importance of backing up your WhatsApp data regularly. As of this very moment, Wondershare DrFone – WhatsApp Transfer has over 50 million users and has been downloaded over 156 million times. That means, don’t worry, you’re in good hands! We saved the best for the last. And the best part is that it is free to use DrFone to backup all your WhatsApp data. Grab the latest copy of Wondershare DrFone WhatsApp Transfer and let us know in the comment section below if you enjoyed using the software.

About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]