11 Tips for Ecommerce Website Design in 2021

11 Tips for Ecommerce Website Design in 2021

The eCommerce industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. And with technology changing faster than ever, it’s important to stay ahead of the game and design your website properly. Whether you’re looking for web design or eCommerce web design in Sydney, there are a few things that you should know about 2021 eCommerce standards.

These are a few things that you should think about when designing your eCommerce website in 2021:

Responsive web design

  • Responsive web design is key, as most users have moved to mobile devices. Make sure your site is properly displayed with no issues on smaller screens. Remember the majority of internet traffic comes from smartphones and tablets so if it doesn’t work well across all platforms then your business might lose out on potential customers. Ensure navigation remains easy even for those viewing on their phone or tablet by using bigger clickable buttons which can be seen clearly without zooming into them first. This way they’re easily accessible and won’t cost anything extra especially if something goes wrong while trying to load a page or an image!

E-Commerce website

  • As more people use the eCommerce website design Sydney for their shopping, the average order total has increased. A lot of customers prefer to purchase multiple products at once so if you have a simple add-to-cart function then they’ll be able to add all their desired items in one go – this is really time efficient and can increase your eCommerce website conversions by 18%. Furthermore, it might also save them some shipping costs too!

Continue browsing

  • Your navigation should allow easy access throughout your site. The user shouldn’t have to navigate back constantly or click on links that don’t work properly when trying to find something specific about your company’s services or products. This will result in poor UX design which could cause potential clients not to want to continue browsing through your catalog of goods/services. You should ensure that your website is user-friendly, mobile-enabled, and responsive to allow both new and old users to shop on your eCommerce site easily!

Specific theme or design concept

  • Try experimenting with different ways of displaying images as they’re the main way potential customers learn about what you have to offer them. Unless there’s a specific theme or design concept behind it then try using single product/service pictures rather than photos containing multiple items so people can clearly see exactly what they are interested in buying – this will help improve eCommerce web conversions by 12%. Furthermore, these types of images don’t require many resources like bandwidth which saves money too!

Search engines analyze

  • Using relevant keywords throughout content helps search engines analyze how important certain things are within that page (or blog post) which can increase your credibility and relevance. Search engines like Google use these keywords to rank the page in results so if you’re using relevant ones then it will help them better understand what your page is about! This ensures that people are more likely to click on the content they want rather than having to sift through pages of irrelevant information when trying to find something specific.

Call-to-action buttons

  • Ensure that call-to-action buttons are visible throughout various parts of your website – including header/footer, sidebars, menus, etc. The user should see this button multiple times while browsing each page but don’t make it too ‘in their face’. You’ve got a few seconds at most for someone who doesn’t already know what they’d like before they lose interest in your content so use this to your advantage.

Designing eCommerce websites

  • It’s important that you test out the site on various browsers, operating systems, and devices when designing eCommerce websites in 2021. This is because not all users have the same type of internet connection or are using similar browser settings which can affect performance if you don’t take it into consideration before publishing! Ensure that everything works well across different platforms rather than just one specific way – including desktops, laptops, tablets/smartphones, etc.

Mobile-friendly website

  • Using a mobile-friendly website design will help users browse through your eCommerce catalog on the go. This is because they can easily access and purchase products via their smartphone or tablet – this also means that it’s important to have high-quality images so people don’t have to zoom into them which defeats the purpose of using mobile devices!

Utilizing video content

  • The average web page visit has decreased from just under four minutes in 2014, down to less than two minutes in 2017. In 2021 I predict that this number could decrease even further as more companies start utilizing video content within their websites rather than static text/images only. If you’re trying to sell anything online then make sure you include videos where possible as these might be much more effective in terms of conversions.

Running a business

  • If you’re running a business where people can come into your physical store or office to purchase items then make sure that all of this information is easily accessible on the website. This means including opening hours, directions, and contact details for customers who are going to be making a trip in person as well as those who might only want to shop online.

E-Commerce catalog

  • Ensure that there’s consistency throughout your entire eCommerce catalog so things don’t seem out of place if someone happens across every one of your pages – they should know instantly whether it relates specifically to them or not rather than having doubt about what exactly each page/category contains!


About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]