summer holidays

4 things schools should do during the summer holidays

The past 18 months haven’t been easy for anyone.

At the very start of the coronavirus lockdown, schools were closed and many parents had to adapt to working remotely whilst home-schooling the kids.

As the restrictions gradually began to ease, schools reopened and students were welcomed back into the classroom– albeit in their designated bubbles and atstaggered start and finish times!

In England, if a pupil or member of staff tested positive for COVID-19 they, and anyone who had been in close contact with them, had the legal obligation to self-isolate. This meant that whole classes or year groups (bubbles) had to be sent home. And according to a recent study, almost ¼ of all pupils were absent from school in the last week of term.

But the summer holidays are finally here, and we’ll bet you’re looking forward to having some much-needed R&R – either at home surrounded by your loved ones or lay on the beach somewhere hot, drinking sangria – and rightly so!

Although it’s good to take a break, the six week holidays are the ideal time to improve the school playground, ready for when the children return in September.

This article contains some handy advice to help you do this.

#1 Inspect school playground equipment

Every school should have an annual RPII (Register of Play Inspectors International) inspection to ensure that their school playground equipment is safe and fit for its purpose.

Although this can be done at any time during the year, the best time is at the beginning of the holidays. If any remedial work is required, it can be completed before the kids come back to school.

#2 Replace tired apparatus

No matter how much you look after your surfacing and playground equipment, it will eventually need replacing. When apparatus look old and tired, it can lose its appeal to youngsters.

If your outdoor play provisions are starting to look a little worse for wear, the summer is the perfect time to swap them for something new and exciting. Perhaps you could opt for a brightly coloured climbing frame to inject some fun into the schoolyard. Or introduce an activity trail to let pupils’ imaginations run wild and free.

#3 Spruce nature areas

Whether it be planters with beautiful blooms, a wildlife pond, sports fields or grassed playing areas, these will all need some TLC throughout the warmer months.

Make sure that plants are well-watered to prevent them from dying, and mow the lawn to keep it green and lush. Clean your pond regularly and maintain the pump, filter, and any fountains. You don’t want there to be any harmful litter hidden in long grass either.

If grassed play areas are proving difficult to maintain, you may consider replacing them with artificial grass – it looks just as good as the real thing but requires much less upkeep!

#4 Repair or replace safety surfacing

Ranging from the harsh frosts of winter to heavy downpours in the spring, your playground surfacing is exposed to all the elements. It’s not surprising that potholes, frayed edges, loose stones, and raised paving slabs can occur over time.

But repairing these early on – ideally when the weather is in your favour and nobody is using the apparatus – can prevent more extensive deterioration later on and, worst-case scenario, accidents and injuries. The school holidays are your perfect opportunity.

Of course, if you’re having new school playground equipment, you’ll need to consider the type of surfacing anyway.

Resin-bound gravel is long-lasting, self-draining, and low maintenance. It also comes in an array of colours and is an excellent alternative to tarmac. Wetpour surfacing, on the other hand, is a popular choice for primary schools and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) play areas. It boasts fall-cushioning properties that help reduce bumps, bruises, and broken bones.

What are you waiting for?

If you’re thinking about updating your school playground but need a little inspiration, let Setter Play help.

Based in Bedfordshire, they have helped various primary schools, nurseries, and local authorities to transform tired, unused spaces into a play haven that’s not only oodles of fun for children but great for their physical and mental development too.

To find out more about the products they design, supply and manufacture, or to discuss your ideas in more detail with their specialists, get in touch with them on 01462 817 538.

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About Ambika Taylor

Myself Ambika Taylor. I am admin of For any business query, you can contact me at [email protected]